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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Yeah, but that still isn't all that bad. It's not "People of Wal-Mart" bad.
  2. Remind me: why is this funny?
  3. Whatever you do, don't spank her when you're angry. Take some time to cool off first.
  4. Dude, you'll never be as cool as the guy on the couch. Hell, I'll never be as cool as the guy on the couch.
  5. Zero, 'cause I's gots the diabeetus, plus I never liked them, anyway.
  6. Yeah, I still use Photobucket, and I agree it can be pretty freakin' slow. Plus, when you get anywhere close to the (free) data limit, they constantly hound you with emails about buying more space. Fuck that. Oh, and most of my larger pictures were re-sized without my knowing about it. Seriously thinking about switching.
  7. Huh. I'll be damned. I actually agree with this.
  8. I know I'm late to the party, and if you got a problem with that...
  9. It's a glitch in the Matrix.
  10. You should follow her example and delete yourself.
  11. Whenever I'm having a crappy day, I can always count on a Zeni thread to cheer me up. Not because of anything that fart knocker posts, but because of the replies to the bullshit he posts.
  12. Put it back, thief!
  13. In the foreground is my '92 Dodge Ram 50. This was before I repainted the tops of the doors. Behind it, to the left, is my '89 Plymouth Sundance, aka "The Mustang Killer".
  14. Cageside Seats is pretty much the only one I'm on besides here. Oh, and Mighty Ram 50, too.
  15. It would be even creepier if you could add the sound of their breathing and music to the gif of the woman.
  16. The way that woman pops up in #2... ...reminds me of the Regenerators from Resident Evil 4. whut
  17. It's Zeni. Be careful, he might throw a chair.
  18. Enjoy your shoes, man. Fuck the haters.
  19. Wouldn't cheesecake also fit into the pie category since the cheesecake "filling" is put into a pie shell? Kinda/sorta?
  20. FAP FAP FAP! :fap:
  21. I'm too busy not caring to do either. Nah, I'm just lazy.
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