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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. No, it's the STD whorist.
  2. Sorry about that. If it makes you feel any better, I still haven't played MK X or MK XL yet. Hell, I don't have a PS4 or XBONE, either. : o I just loves me some Mileena.
  3. You suck and go after little kids on OK Cupid. ::spin::
  4. It's freaking snowing here. I'm freezing, dammit.
  5. Houdini Splicer


  6. This has been stated before, but, since your ass is drunk all the time, which causes you to have trouble remembering shit: That's what the lack of communication means, dumbass.
  7. You should apologize to your mother for being such a disappointment and burden.
  8. Put some wet cat food on Ritz crackers and act as if you're all fancy-like. Wash it down with bleach.
  9. Might as well finish this bitch off... So what you wanted to See good has made you blind And what you wanted to Be yours has made it Mine So don't you lock up Something that you Wanted to see fly Hands are for shaking No not tying I sure don't Mind a change But I fell on black Days How would I know That this could be My fate
  10. That's uh... hmm. Well... Huh. Yeah, that's utter shit and you should never try to write songs ever again. Go back to making videos of you throwing chairs. Stick with what you know.
  11. Cause I fell on Black days Whomsoever I've cured I've sickened now Whomsoever I've cradled I've put you down I'm a search light soul They say but I can't See it in the night I'm only faking When I get it right Cause I fell on Black days How would I know That this could be my fate
  12. Yep. Somebody's abusing corpses.
  13. I don't know, but here's a suggestion: Place a plastic shopping bag over your head, and take deep breaths until you meet Satan.
  14. Not always, but as long as I don't start sleepwalking or anything, I'm not gonna worry about it too much.
  15. Well, maybe his mom's voice, but other than that? No, not a chance.
  16. One of the things I liked about San Andreas was the ability to talk to pedestrians, and have them talk to you. I loved that you could choose to be negative or positive. I am glad they brought it back in V, though it's still not the same, since you can't freely choose whether to be nice or a dick. Anyway, one of my favorite responses in SA was, "Why don't you go join the line to bang your mama?" I'd laugh at that one every time.
  17. "I hear voices in my head They counsel me They understand They talk to me" I wouldn't be surprised if you really did hear voices. It would explain so much.
  18. Same here. I've been told it sounds like I'm in pain or having a nightmare most of the time.
  19. Yep, that's him. Oh, and as far as fake goes... (don't look if you're the squeamish type) I can see what's on your mind.
  20. 22 seconds? whut Got dang, that's criminal. I knew the match would be short, but not that damn short. So, they pulled the trigger on the Goldberg/Lesnar match being for the Universal Championship. No one wants to see that shit. We know Brock's gonna win, and disappear for months with the title. That sucked the last time it happened, and is gonna suck this time, too. I think I'll stop before I start going off on some rant. *shakes head, facepalms*
  21. *girl sprays you with mace and calls the cops while her boyfriend uses you as a tackling dummy*
  22. I sure as hell hope not, but I'm not holding my breath.
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