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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Houdini Splicer


  2. Houdini Splicer


    I'z hurr, tew! I think... ::spin::
  3. Maybe some day, but right now I'm finishing up a story called, "To Catch a Sexual Predator: The Zenigundam Story". I've already sold the rights to a studio, and it's going to be made into a TV movie. Oh, here's something you'll like: it'll be shown on LIfetime, your favorite channel. No, no, don't thank me. I'm just doing my part to make the world aware of "people" like you.
  4. You didn't do that when you were in high school the first time, dumbass. It was true then, and it's true now.
  5. I can picture him, hiding behind a tree, saying that while waving a half-melted Snickers bar around. >
  6. That's hypnotic...
  7. You have a helluva lot more problems, besides shoplifting, that you should be worried about, fella.
  8. Those are always great.
  9. I figure you would be happy. You actually have a student checking you out. He wants to take you to pound town. Good for you, man.
  10. Just tell them the truth. You want to tie them to a chair, and have them watch you as you whack off to their pictures, while grinding Tiger into your asshole. At first, they would be horrified (as they damn well should). Then, they would break out into uncontrollable fits of laughter from watching you mangle your little vienna sausage of a pecker. While you're crying out of embarassment and shame, they would slip out of the ropes and go to the police. So, this story does have a happy ending after all. Awesome.
  11. I'm thinking more along the lines of Imperial Super Star Destroyer. Saturn V rocket at the very least.
  12. It's scientifically proven that murderous fruit on one's genitals makes the pussy wet. You can trust me on this, because I read it in the popular journal entitled "Shit I Just Made Up".
  13. Smiley faces? Nothing but a bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here! A Killer Tomato tattooed on the head of your dick will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus, just like me.
  14. Says the guy who has never had sex with another person (hands and stuffed animals don't count, sugar tits), and who has never had a girlfriend. And yet (and this is the cherry on top of the shit sundae), you make thread after thread after thread about getting girlfriends on OK Cupid and having sex with them. If anyone's a dreamer, it is definitely you. You creepy little bastard. :fap:
  15. You wouldn't exist, because condoms would have been used. The world would be brighter, everyone would live in peace and harmony, no starvation, no global warming, etc. Every fucking thing wrong with the world is because of you. Damn you, and stuff.
  16. I could see him as someone's manager, though.
  17. This is from the official He-Man youtube channel. There is also a link to She-Ra's channel (you know, if you're interested).
  18. Nah, the box stays closed. For now.
  19. Your whole gimmick is tired and uninspired.
  20. It really is. I've rewatched old He-Man and She-Ra episodes, Real Ghostbusters, some old episodes of stuff from the late seventies/early eighties like Sesame Street and The Electric Company, plus other shows I can't name off the top of my head. A lot of nostalgia, plus quite a bit of, "Ooh, ooh, I remember that!" going on. It's great. I love Laff-a-Lympics, too.
  21. You young whippersnappers with your music television and your fancy cassette tapes! Get off of my got dang lawn before I get the water hose after you!
  22. I'll have to check them out soon.
  23. NOOOOOOOooooOOOO!! I must protect my fragile, egg-shelled mind! ::spin::
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