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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. Probably Schuldig from Weiß Kreuz. (so old, the file's been corrupted!) Also, Sesshoumaru (as much for David Kaye's voice as anything). And Sanzo from Saiyuki (definitely for Toshihiko Seki's voice). Cho Hakkai was pretty fine too.
  2. No sammiches yet. Still working on the dressing, taters and gravy turkey bowls first. Probably will freeze some of the gravy for later before it goes bad, since turkey gravy is like ambrosia (as in food of the gods, not that marshmallow crap) so I extend it like four-fold with mushroom soup, yum. Likely have to freeze some of the turkey too.
  3. I did. I deleted both places where it appeared twice in the paperclip drawer and reloaded it once. The weird thing is that the extra one didn't show up in my text box, but only when I did a preview or posted it. So I couldn't select it to delete in the editing box. Seriously, I tried about a dozen different ways to delete it, and one finally took, but that was also one way I'd already tried before a couple of times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Lupin the 3rd: Napoleon's Dictionary (special): Lupin enters a French auto race where the Dictionary is the prize. Arrow Emblem Grand Prix no Taka: From 1977, so good luck finding it. Chō Soku Henkei Gyrozetter: Future AI cars, one of which can transform into Gyrozetter to save the world. F: Farm boy moves to the big city to race Formula-1 cars. Machine Hayabusa: Also way old, racing team goes up against evil racing team. Circuit no Ohkami II: Modena no Tsurugi (OAV): Ecchi racing comedy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Goddamn!! (OAV): I think I'll just let Justin Sevakis explain it. One & Only - Natural Born Drivers (manga): I don't know from manga, so you're on your own. Also, many of the above have manga, if you can't find the anime. Though they might be too old to find the manga either.
  5. These are from back on the old boards.
  6. I can never remember, one of those food4less sav-on groceries-here generic names. Raley's owns them, which is why it's so weird that they have better produce for cheaper than the branded stores.
  7. My gimmick is being the hip loner who can talk to the young.
  8. Finally got the turkey I bought for T-day cooked! I felt like I needed to test the oven a few times to see if it was going to flake on me, then it took like a week to thaw the damn bird. It was pretty good, although I was almost too tired to eat it after prepping everything. Leftovers for the next 2-3 weeks! Yay!
  9. Honey isn't vegan. Also, some sugar is processed using a bone char filtration system, which is also considered non-vegan.
  10. Finally got my act together to go to the grocery tonight, expecting it to be open until 11, as usual. At 8:45 I had barely gotten through produce, when they announced 15 min until closing. Wtf?!! I dashed around trying to remember the main things I needed to get and I guess I did ok, but I could've stocked up on twice what I got if I'd had time. Even worse, when I asked when they started closing that early, they told me the store was closing down in a few months (I forget how long, March, maybe?). Which is a bummer for several reasons. They have good prices, they actually have better produce for less than their corporate parent's stores, they seem to be the last place that sells Swiss cheese in bricks instead of sliced, they have better hamburger than other stores around, really everything is cheaper and they have a lot of good ethnic foods, and when they close it's going to kill the other businesses at that intersection and create a major food desert for the area, unless another chain picks it up (but it probably won't be as good). This really sucks.
  11. Now I'm curious about how many of those tupperware bins you have. That looks like it's about 1/10 of your collection or less. I'd post mine, but I'd have to clean up too much shit to make it presentable.
  12. This is not helping me. Can you just drag the pics into the reply box?
  13. Sounds tasty to me. Why are they test marketing it in Japan instead of here?
  14. He reminds me of Alessandro Juliani. Wait a minute... Juliani...Giuliano...
  15. That was a saiga.
  16. I think you just need more episodes to get a better feel for it. Characters do get fleshed out very well (literally in Deku's case), but it's a slow burn, as long running shounen tend to be. I wasn't super on board with it early on either, but they've done some amazing things along the way, and I've shed more than a couple tears watching it. I also enjoy the creative Quirks and how they're used, and it's fun watching Deku use his head when his body isn't up to the task. I've even grown to like Bakugo, which surprises me. But it's ok not to like it (do you even like shounen? Cause it's super shouneny. :)). I kinda feel the same about One Piece, even while I enjoyed its run on [as]. I sometimes wish I could catch up with it, but I just don't like it enough for that to ever happen.
  17. Phillips Screwdriver The Pile Driver
  18. I wanna see how @Dark_Cloud_Overhead stores her collection.
  19. On a Black and Moonless Night, There's No Difference Between the Sea and a Woman in the Total Darkness. (going with the light novel titling approach)
  20. The off-the-shoulder look is kind of stylish though.
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