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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. That's no unicorn. It's a medieval princess in hennin. I can tell by the purple feathers.
  2. I went outside yesterday to get groceries for the first time in a month. It was odd. At 8am light rail had a dozen people in my car, none of whom seemed to be going to work. At 11 am on the return, I was the only person on the train. That seems backwards. Walmart didn't seem to be hurting for shoppers. The things they seemed to be out of were flour, some types of cleaning fluids and of course toilet paper. And yet I kept seeing people with tp in their carts. I finally asked and it turned out you had to go to the back at the "black doors" and get someone's attention to ask for a pack. I get one to a customer and all, but there was nothing to indicate this process at all. When I got home, I somehow ended up in an extended conversation with my westdoor neighbor (we lamented the closing of the poor folks grocery last week), as well as my new eastdoor neighbor, who practically jumped over his back fence to talk to me. They seem nice. I learned from him where the neighborhood rabbit I occasionally see in my back yard came from. I asked him what they were trying to grow in the tiny plot of dirt in front of their house which looks like they planted sticks. Apparently it's supposed to be California poppies, but they keep getting decimated by a cat determined to make a litter box of it and nothing they've tried discourages it. I thought maybe it was the rabbit, since I don't think the cat would strip the leaves. Or squirrels. Anyway, I'm back in my hole for another month. I feel like Punxutawney Phil. Here's things to do to keep busy: Recreate famous art works with stuff lying around the house, including yourself. Get hooked on marble racing. It sounds dumb, but watch five minutes of one and you have to watch to the end. It's really mesmerizing. (you can skip the graphics and domino run on the first one and go straight to the start at 1:23) Prancercize! Keep in shape!
  3. I don't have an xbox. Wanna play some Euchre online?
  4. Because it's all about the feels. From what I've observed, you don't have any, so you'd be bored and unable to relate to the characters.
  5. Why is she wearing a duckbill hair sectioning clip in her cleavage?
  6. I get that. I'm just saying that if it comes off as wry or slightly cynical, it's probably ok, and can even be endearing, but if it's the sort that practically requires a counter-response (oh, no, you're not too ____, you're fine!), that gets old real quick. And like I said, you might want to be careful about what sort of levers you give other people over you until you know they can be trusted with knowing about them. Just that thought ought to help curb your impulse to beat yourself up.
  7. Self-deprecating is fine if you're funny about it. I assume you're funny about it? If it's not funny, it comes off as fishing for compliments. I know that to you it feels like hitting yourself before someone else does because you can control when and how hard you hit, but that's a red flag for women, since we're expected to prop up men's egos all the time anyway, so coming off at the start like you need to be constantly bubble-wrapped in reassurances to keep you emotionally protected isn't an exciting prospect. If it is, that's a red flag for you to run away from a controlling, manipulative abuser who's itching to pull all those psychological levers you just pointed out.
  8. It's a wonderful movie. You'll hate it. Don't waste your time.
  9. If he's not in the ICU on a respirator, he might as well not have it since he can keep bloviating from his podium and making it look like there's no problem while thousands are dying. I'll accept nothing less. I got a bit of propaganda in the mail today, paid for by us all, headlined "President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America" as if he's the one who thought it all up. Any such thing in the past would've been called "CDC Guidelines" or "Surgeon General's Guidelines," but Republicans are so fixated on undermining any sort of public trust in expertise or science that such guidelines can now only be handed down from the Mount by the God Emperor of the Fatherland himself.
  10. If I get this I know I'm going to die from it. So I'd rather not get it. But the whole thing is seriously shaking what little faith I had in my own bizarre personal belief system. If on the other side of this Trump, and Paul, and the whole host of right wing ghouls whose names are starting to run together, come out unscathed, let alone not dead, then I'll have to accept that there truly is nothing at all to believe in. Karma ain't gonna get nobody. How is it possible that Twittler doesn't have this?! He's been exposed to at least a dozen people who've been carriers now, shaking everyone's hands, crowding around at the center of his daily Festivals of Lies, practically picking his nose on stage. If even undiscriminating viruses won't mete out justice to these people, nothing ever will. So either the Universe is utterly random (which still doesn't explain it adequately), or he really is the antichrist.
  11. Ovarectomies. Achenectomies?
  12. Quarantine - Day 3
  13. It works for me today. So either Pat was tweaking something or YT was.
  14. Does this mean you passed the hair test? I didn't see a post with the outcome.
  15. Huh, same here, trying it on that vid above. Guess it's not you. Plays on YT w/adblock though. They probably did something new to screw it up, like the way they block some vids from loading here and only letting you post the link, or not being able to full screen some vids unless you're on YT's site.
  16. Put a cowbell on the other side.
  17. Won't do any good since the Republicans own the judiciary now.
  18. Omg, The Dude has three legs!
  19. Eccentric Family 1-2. Natsume's Book of Friends seasons 1-6 and movie. Haikyuu!! 1-3. You can do season 4, or wait to binge it. If you're looking for laid back and soothing (with some gentle humor), I'll also recommend The Case Files of Jeweler Richard, which is surprisingly good in unexpected ways. I think it wraps next week, or the week after.
  20. Good to see 90% of us are still employed.
  21. We're apparently commencing lockdown in about 44 minutes... I'd better hurry outside and party while I can!
  22. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/ This has some interesting animations to watch. The closing sentence is sobering though: "If you want this to be more realistic," Harris said after seeing a preview of this story, "some of the dots should disappear."
  23. It's been summer in the Southern Hemisphere for 3 months... Guess it depends on what you meant by "it'll all be over" though. (I know you were being sarcastic, but the people "in charge" here who keep saying that are not)
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