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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. Can't say I've ever seen one out in the wild. Not much call for briefcases in wilderness, but I guess you never know when you'll need to store documents in a survival sitaution.
  2. This cover is just stunningly beautiful, I am crying. she also covered Misanthropic Drunken Loaner. This woman has some really badass taste in music
  3. i thought that was supposed to be pineapple juice
  4. *hugs* don't forget that you also deserve kindness and understanding from yourself today too
  5. got new prescription safety glasses for work. they look nerdy but I'm so glad i don't have to have two sets of glasses on my face all the time anymore. felt good about how i look today though
  6. I'm wondering if i accidentally doubled up on my E, because everything is pissing me off and irritating me today. could just be a shitty day idk. the sunset was really pretty though. glad i got to take my lunch when it was happening.
  7. this cringecore song made me think of this thread, and i figured everyone would enjoy it as much as i did
  8. happy birthday! 🎈💥🎈💥🎈💥
  9. shit, someone help me! I'm stuck in a meme!😧 also here's another meme
  10. i was feeling festive so i updated my avatar to this cute little moth i found on imgur, i love it 🥺
  11. undefined_-_Imgur_(1).mp4
  12. I'm starting to think that a job where you become a representative of the state's monopoly on violence is almost always going to attract people who want power and enjoy violence
  13. not enough to force it on people who find it extremely uncomfortable. honestly, i almost never make eye contact and can still pretty effectively communicate at work.
  14. so it's a long distance polycule? nice
  15. the thing is, there are autistic people who talk that way, that's just a part of it becoming less stigmatized. in fact, it's entirely possible that kid was actually autistic, and it wasn't possible to tell because he's high masking. there's no real way to know for sure, which is why i push back on people saying that it's trendy or assuming that people who aren't autistic are claiming to be. it's a spectrum, and it affects people in an incredibly wide variety of ways, many of which are not easily noticeable or clear, especially to allistic people. there is, also, not actually anything wrong with people who aren't autistic thinking they are, or finding parts of autism relatable. it doesn't harm autistic people. the real harm almost always comes from people who police the behaviors of others, and who don't like when folks aren't "normal" without a "legitimate" reason. people who enforce arbitrary social norms in others (like eye contact) because it makes them more comfortable are also usually the biggest bullies autistic people face. that and outright ableist bigots.
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