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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. idk how popular queens of the stone age are but I've never really liked their music. my friend said they sound "dirty and real" and I don't understand. but to be fair i listen to folk punk and you really can't get dirtier or realer than that. skapunk and skacore are also way more real. like if your music isn't about fighting cops and doing drugs/recovering from addiction, what is the point?
  2. honestly, same. i don't mind subs but if I'm tired after a long day I'm probably also really really fucking high and I'm not gonna be able to follow subs at all
  3. hyperpop is good, actually also, it doesn't really matter if being gay or trans or any kind of queer is innate or not, it we have control of it or not, or whatever. queer people should still be free to do as they please with their lives and bodies, even if it were a choice.
  4. i don't like how much i want to be mean today, why is it so hard for people to just leave me alone? that'd help a lot
  5. that's why i just use wabbajack if i want a fuck ton of mods, so much easier just letting it install a modlist for me
  6. i got a messenger bag i use as a purse a little bit ago and it's huge but the downside is now there's so much in it i can never find what i need 😭 edit: shit i didn't realize i was reading page one of this thread from 2021 lmao
  7. oh true, working outside can suck sometimes. as much as i loved it in the fall and spring when the weather was nice, when it gets really cold or really hot it can be miserable >.<
  8. holy shit I'm going to When We Were Young! my sister's husband can't go so she has an extra ticket. i get to see my sister and go to a music festival! fuck yeah!
  9. it sounds like a super cool opportunity and hopefully the work will be fun too
  10. i went to a lot of different schools tbh i can't be expected to remember all of them
  11. can't believe no one's said poppycock yet, that's the best one. it's got cock in it
  12. I'd probably just go to sleep but i don't really have a healthy relationship with sleep patterns so idk if that's a good idea or not
  13. Oh look, another song that makes me cry lol I should stop watching these
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