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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. 😳
  2. if I had Superman's powers i would try to use them to dismantle all systems of oppression and all hierarchies I'm not sure how that would work but I'm pretty sure the US spend a lot of money trying to kill me ASAP
  3. "just a reminder the company meeting is on Monday, so come early and..." that's nice, have fun with that. you catered the last one with the homophobic chicken place and made them not mandatory, so I'm just gonna not go.
  4. is there anything they don't like near the right most bowl?
  5. haha yeah
  6. oh hey this is page 69 of this thread. nice
  7. signing along to music in my car is fun but I think I fucked my voice up. oops
  8. omfg 🥺 so cute!!!
  9. i could go for some musubi
  10. I've been three of these. never learned how to skate though
  11. good pun and solid choice. I'd stay out too
  12. idk why this is so funny to me
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