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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. I'm trying to actually get involved in mutual aid and it's both harder and easier than i thought. A little research after looking for Food Not Bombs and I've found several networks working in and around the nearest major city and I've even found a way to contribute money every month, but i want to actually do work and that might take a little more research. I'm just tired of doing nothing. I'm tired of feeling pathetic, too. i want to be a part of something that is worth being a part of. i hope this works out.
  2. i probably should expect that kind of thing from privileged white liberals, but i guess it could be way worse.
  3. no, never heard of it, but my brain is having a hard time not reading that as Travolta for some reason
  4. i hear emus won a whole war, that's a pretty solid point in their favor
  5. yesterday someone said they didn't think i could handle work in a different department, so today i let him start a task before me, and then started and finished the same task before him. afterwards i said "oh, you started before me, i thought you would be finished by now" I'm a petty, passive aggressive bitch but i can still outwork almost anyone if and when i want to
  6. what if it's just one and only once, but then you can't die, but the planet becomes uninhabitable and you have to spend eternity on a dead planet?
  7. hey brain, i need you to chill out, ok? i get, it feels like we're dying, but we're not and this is getting annoying
  8. I'm sure given enough mistreatment and neglect of everything but high calorie food you could probably get a tiger to weigh a lot more than that. you shouldn't, it would wrong, but you could, in theory.
  9. the guy and I exchanged a list of albums to listen to that are important to us. I'm terribly afraid mine is that of a basic bitch, for lack of a better term. but it's nice to share the albums that are and were important to me and it's really cool to listen to the albums that are important to him. gotta remember that it's ok to feel the intense feelings I'm feeling but that they are probably a result of BPD and that i need to not take them as gospel.
  10. I really really need to stop catching feelings for people who live far away, but this guy is just too perfect. he works with animals, he's rehabilitated raccoons, is smart and creative, has really good taste in music, and is really handsome. but he lives in Canada. i guess I'll probably have a reason to move there in a year or so if the gop takes over and starts the whole next step in the fascism process. he's perfect, dammit
  11. i feel like that most days, until later at night when i eat an entire days worth of food all at once to make up for it
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