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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. I loved Drawn Together and I really hope for a revival. They have so much material to work with these days it's not even funny.
  2. Well then, since we're being all reminiscent and shit, I recall an IB thread where the OP was complaining about money and a certain someone was like "yOu WoUlDn'T bE fAcInG tHiS iSsUe If We HaD a ReSoUrCe-BaSeD eCoNoMy."
  3. No, it was in response to me, as I am being a dick. I won't go into detail, as to not be more dickish, but I don't really care.
  4. What a baby.
  5. The next step is only smarter AI. Sorry, this "trend" has been going on for decades now and is never gonna go away. Soon, NPCs in video games won't settle on the same stock phrases. Anyway, if you're into independent foreign language studies, ChatGPT does an excellent job explaining grammatical concepts and providing example sentences. It's much easier than having to resort to google to search for answers. And not only that, but you can practice your foreign language writing skills with ChatGPT.
  6. Something something Venus Project delusion . . .
  7. Usually waffles, but I like Japanese pancakes the most, as they're more like souffles.
  8. 🙄 How old are you? A little too old to be playing coy about people you want to fuck.
  9. Does she really deserve to have a ruptured cervix?
  10. Please, blue cheese is nothing. If you want a food that smells like rotten unwashed asshole, try natto.
  11. I love blue cheese and pizza but that sounds nasty.
  12. Teenage me back in the ASMB days would have loved society's current attitude to weed . . . but I just don't like it that much anymore. Just caffeine and the occasional drink or two now. I've become boring. 🙃
  13. Ok Pat, I'm fine with you taking the screenshots down, but at least take everything down too.
  14. I've been trying to find that post forever. So sad I lost it. 😢 (Also, the old smileys have really lost their charm. I greatly prefer shitty emojis.)
  15. no
  16. I'm trying to lose more weight this summer. Happy with my progress since March.
  17. GOP presidential campaign 2028 "make piss great again"
  18. Hmm, I won't say the obvious, but anyway. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/sitzpinkler-german-men-pee-sitting-down/?utm_campaign=weeklynewsletter&utm_source=rejoiner&utm_medium=email&utm_content=06/01/23+Smarter+Faster&rjnrid=5jkaKVA It's also slowly becoming more popular in the US. Won't be surprised if it's eventually used in politics.
  19. Spoke too soon. 🙃
  20. I thought this was a reference to The Room.
  21. I fed up with this whirl.
  22. I'm so excited to be living in my seventh story apartment. I get vertigo when I go out on the balcony. It's odd, since I've been to the top of the Empire State Building and experienced nothing. It may have to do with the low guard rail; shit should be higher on my balcony.
  23. I believe the modern domesticated chicken has its origins in China, so . . . not that stupid of a question. Oh, and I remember when the hapisk ytmnd was made. He made a thread one evening (wasn't the same thread he described doing his cousin in the laundry room), sparks created the ytmnd, then the next morning the thread had nearly 400 replies. hapisk was like "what the hell is going on?"
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