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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. That's a great idea. He should be temporarily resurrected too. And Packard and moose and TIC.
  2. Let fuggs and Bucket come back temporarily.
  3. I am not reading a CNN opinion piece, but I recall flat earthers using the term on themselves to mean being a believer. Funny how that has fallen out of fashion.
  4. She needs to make a porno with Mindy Kaling.
  5. Almost one year since I last logged into bnmjy. Such a shame, those saucy PMs from fuggs. 🙃
  6. I think openly admitting to drinking Bud Light is more embarrassing in the first place, so . . . good for them, I guess.
  7. I imagine so, as I believe Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy are inspired by DnD. I never got into it myself, so I dunno.
  8. I had this stunningly beautiful customer that made me feel so inadequate. She looked like she just walked off the runway, wearing designer clothing with a Gucci purse. And she had no air of superiority around her, even though she definitely deserved to act like that. It's rare for me to feel like this about a stranger. I hope she's happy with her life.
  9. People who pronounce similar this way are the worst. You need to repent by sucking on fugg's hooha.
  10. I made an Indian friend, and we went to a Hindu temple today. It was my first time visiting one. It was a very interesting experience. I had visited temples in Japan before, and now I see where many aspects have originated from, like the central pillar supporting the entirety of a temple and not blocking the pathway for spirits/God(s). I also loved the smell of the camphor incense burning throughout the temple.
  11. touchy as always I never had a problem with your art, unlike a certain someone who happens to be present in this thread.
  12. moar butthole drawings plz
  13. Well, she does literally suck his dick after this scene. This is the character Ursula is based on, just letting everyone know.
  14. I just ended a 36 hour fast. I really wasn't that hungry, but I was depressed and had a headache. Probably hypoglycemia, but it's over now.
  15. What about digital yellowface? Western cosplaying is disgusting, and Toonami should be cancelled. (sarcasm)
  16. Well, I guess it's time to be invested in this piece of shit's life again . . . let's see what unfolds.
  17. "Everybody has a pet thing they worry about and say, 'it's oral health' or 'it's suicides' – everyone has something that they're legitimately interested in and want to see more attention to," says John Haaga, who was the director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Research at the National Institute on Aging at NIH, before he retired. "The great value of an exercise like this one was to step back and say, 'OK, all of these things are going on, but which of them best account for these long-term population level trends that we're seeing?' Anyway, the line at the top of the chart is Japan. I wonder what the main difference is concerning health and longevity. 🙃
  18. lol, that happened where Taylor Swift was born.
  19. It's not gonna give people anorexia or eating disorders. The article says a 300 pound person will go down to 240 pounds. If they want to go lower, they'll have to make more lifestyle changes. I think the main problem is being dependent on the pill. I think most would just gain all the weight back plus more if they stopped the pill. Eating too much food, whether healthy or not, is the main culprit. Calories in, calories out. The body is not a special machine immune to the laws of physics. Still, this may not help much if one consumes a lot of sugary beverages. It seems to already be exceedingly expensive, regardless. https://www.goodrx.com/ozempic
  20. Scandinavian food generally looks very unappetizing, but I love all the food at IKEA cafe. Maybe they only chose the most appetizing foods to serve, lol
  21. fuggs is selling her pussy in the bathroom. Everyone pretends to be disgusted, but some are regular patrons.
  22. I actually like the taste of it. If only there wasn't the impending feeling of diabetes . . .
  23. Sigh, I guess I really am a white man now. Got stopped by the police and he wrote my race as white. Yet again, an officer wrote my race as white. All those years growing up being referred to as "that Chinese boy." 🙃
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