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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. We are all entitled to see your monster dong.
  2. 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue shooter found guilty of all charges. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4051346-pittsburgh-tree-of-life-synagogue-shooter-guilty-of-hate-crimes-could-receive-death-penalty/
  3. It took forever for me to find my storage unit. I had reserved it online. The place was huge, the halls didn't split evenly, the lights didn't turn on until you passed them, and there was nothing indicating the range of numbers except for the buttons inside of the elevator. It was honestly like a maze. I imagine some people who have trouble with a sense of direction may get lost in the place, even though there are exit signs.
  4. She was a true ASMB legend.
  5. Disenchantment is quite awful. It has none of the charm nor the humor of The Simpsons and Futurama.
  6. fuggs and I had sex on the beach . . . at the bar.
  7. I know what sand tastes like because it's sometimes in clams.
  8. Reddit really sucks right now with all the subreddits protesting by "going dark."
  9. It's also missing something something.
  10. I still actually remember. "The sad truth is that the truth is sad." Some emo quote from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
  11. Of course, I'd coin a nonsense kanji-compound like they did in Bleach, and for extra retardation it'll appear in front of me Kill la Kill style:
  12. Um, I believe it came out July 11, 2016.
  13. I was completely with you until you said Eric Andre. I actually think he's funny. I really don't like his character on Disenchantment, but that show in general is weak anyway.
  14. Tom Goes to the Mayor. Awful then, still awful now. I really don't dislike Tim and Eric as much as I did then, but I still don't like them that much.
  15. "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." - Jesus Christ, Matthew 19:24
  16. Sounds like he came out of the closet. Good for him, I guess.
  17. There are plenty of cheaper and more interesting places in Asia to explore that don't involve the risk of detainment.
  18. BRICS should be rearranged to CRIBS, as it's mostly China and Russia trying and failing to influence global politics, Brazil and South Africa are on the other end, in order of (ir)relevancy, and India is stuck in the middle. Also, anyone outside of the CRIBS that supports it are babies. Wasn't that so clever? Not really. Cope.
  19. Even if the world is getting tired of the West, BRICS is not the answer. Russia is a shithole in decline and China is poised to face the worst demographic crisis ever experienced. Why the hell is South Africa even part of the equation? I think BRICS is being brought up again because Russia is all pissy over the sanctions.
  20. Removing the nostalgia goggles, I really don't like dubbed anime anymore, except for Cowboy Bebop. Adult swim comedy it is for me.
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