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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Just watched Loch Henry and now I'm in the mood for a shepherd's pie. This was my favorite episode of the new season. Mazey Day was shit.
  2. My father was a marine, so yes they are pretty retarded in my opinion.
  3. Pretty weak video, considering the original video wasn't really an apology but her singing about her accusations as a "toxic gossip train." I generally like meatcanyon videos though.
  4. That and Bandersnatch are the best Black Mirror has to offer, by a substantial degree in my opinion.
  5. Also, San Junipero will always be the best episode of Black Mirror.
  6. Why must Jesse Pinkman always suffer for our sins? 😭
  7. Buy fugg's book https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Lights-Prequel-C-C-Sheppard/dp/B093RLBTCF
  8. Most of the time, yes. Sometimes wake up to take a piss. Oh, and for some reason I have this weird ability to wake up 5 to 10 minutes before my alarm goes off. I rarely rely on the alarm to wake myself up. No, it's not because I always get the same hours of sleep each night either.
  9. At least I wasn't the kid with the magnifying glass shining on ants, Greeny.
  10. I'm reporting this to Nintendo. Their lawyers don't use lube. Have fun.
  11. That's why the U boat was invented; so he could revisit the room where he drew his love like a French girl. Unfortunately, the technology never progressed enough in his lifetime to handle being at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
  12. Titanic sank April 15, 1912, just five days shy of Hitler's 23rd birthday. He was also an aspiring artist. This event will set up the events that transpire involving WW2 and King Arthur. @ghostrek
  13. Good job Team Dean This game needs more references to fuggs, by the way.
  14. Ok Gemini, your team gets my vote because your mention let me see a live "argument." I may vote more often in the future, unconventionally of course.
  15. Now this shit is finally getting entertaining. *kegelspasm*
  16. Just rewarched Titanic for the first time in at least ten years. The film has aged incredibly well. I'm still pretty meh to the romance aspect, a d probably always will be, but I love just about everything else.
  17. Yeah, I'll have to say laundry too. I live in an apartment, so I also have to walk down a long hallway to the laundry room to roleplay things. And sometimes all the washers or full or some asshole leaves their laundry in the dryer for hours.
  18. I dunno about this story, but there's a well-preserved 2000 year old Chinese mummy whose veins still have some blood. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xin_Zhui#:~:text=Xin Zhui's body was remarkably,being found in her veins.
  19. fugg's hooha could survive that easily, you know
  20. We need to solicit a prostitute for @ghostrek
  21. The haze is especially bad today. Visibility is severely reduced.
  22. The Titan submersible incident has got me looking into oceanography again. Anyway, fun fact I learned is that most of the shipwrecks found that are deeper than the Titanic were caused by the Japanese navy. 🙃
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