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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. Took a 3 hour nap after drinking all night playing video gams and now drinking coffee and pooping. Living it up on a Friday night.
  2. Yes but I thought I could’ve avoided the situation except they were everywhere.
  3. I know. Thus i didnt fit in. I wasn’t weird or crazy enough. Had to go back to my home.
  4. It’s cold and there’s too much snow and taxes. Don’t let this state fool you.
  5. Maybe I just went too far south.
  6. I get sick when I eat ice cream too. Makes me poop a lot. Just like reading this thread.
  7. You’re telling me. Next time I’m going weast.
  8. Try more Upstate NY. 😫
  9. I thought you were just a meme, but here we are.
  10. NY or FL?
  11. Could you have told me that sooner? I could’ve saved more money that way.
  12. Because FL is too full of weirdos.
  13. Music and smoking because I usually lose interest in like everything. Like lately.
  14. UwPp

    i get it now

    Either someone flat lined or farted
  15. UwPp

    i get it now

    Rubbb a dubb dubb 3 graphs in a blubbb
  16. Can you just give me one instead?
  17. I laughed harder than I should
  18. I’m mad this is a brand. I want to add an ma at the end so badly. smegma pink.
  19. Cuz I snap the chats
  20. My mom is looking like the angry guy in wall-e from sitting in a chair for too long watching tv. You can have her tho. She single af.
  21. Counting or singing the alphabet. It gets your mind focused on something else. Helps me.
  22. Last shout out. @Raptorpat
  23. Shout out to @molarbear
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