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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. I drink very infrequently. When I do drink, I go for mead or beer. Most blitzed I got was at a New Year's Eve party. I had a bottle of mead and three bottles of Guinness. All of a sudden, I started speaking in a Brooklyn accent.
  2. After three years and a month of taking titty skittles, here I am!
  3. I'm three years and a month into HRT myself. It goes by super fast. My boobs grew to a D-cup. My skin softened. I lost muscle mass, not that I was ever jacked to begin with. My overall mood improved drastically. I might be finally seeing the beginnings of fat redistribution. Looking in the mirror and seeing the changes to my body makes me very happy. I look and feel like myself.
  4. I can't exactly agree on only twenty, nor one artist per listing. My Spotify playlist is chock full of hundreds of songs across a shit-ton of artists. Much of it is metal, dance pop, and any gangsta rap made before 2005. One song per artist simply isn't enough.
  5. I met Al Snow after WWE Raw in Wilkes-Barre, PA, in October of 2003. My stepdad and I went to the local Bennigan's that night and Snow was there. I thought he'd act like a total dick because he was a heel at the time. But he's an awesome guy outside the ring. I was starstruck as all hell.
  6. 30 years isn't good enough. He should have gotten the death penalty instead.
  7. I don't play games based on novels written by TERFs. Fuck JKR with a bag of dicks.
  8. It's really been 20 years? Holy shit! I joined the boards back in 2004 and was on to the bitter end. Toward the end, though, I wasn't on as much as I had been in the 2000s and early 2010s.
  9. Fuck Caitlyn Jenner with a bag of dicks! She is a knife in the back of her own community!
  10. Can we throw right-wing homophobes and transphobes in the gulags already? At the very least, terminate the red states' statehood, downgrade them to territories, and send the tanks on them.
  11. Oh, I have no interest in legislating what people do in their private time provided it doesn't harm or defraud others. But firm rule in the hands of a progressive autocrat? That, America shall have.
  12. Any state that tried to secede would see Federal tanks roll in to bring them to heel. We had a literal war about secession and the secessionists LOST.
  13. What more proof do we need that the Republican Party is an enemy of the state and that we have to ban it? A one-party state led only by progressive Democrats is clearly the way to go. When you have right-wing shits win elections and abuse power, what does that say about democracy? That it doesn't work. If I were POTUS, I'd ban the GOP outright and only allow progressive Democrats to hold office. I'd even go so far as to abolish the presidency and declare myself Goddess-Empress and Autocrat of All the Americas for life. My wise rule would be similar to that of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey, Josip Broz Tito in Yugoslavia, Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore, or France-Albert René in the Seychelles. In other words, a benevolent dictatorship.
  14. Þú ert heimskur, ég er heimskur, við erum öll heimsk! Mannshugurinn er lítill og mállaus. Samt bregðast of margir við skynsamlegri en þeir eru í raun og veru. Þeir munu reyna að skilja meira um alheiminn en þeir geta skilið. Mannkyninu var ekki ætlað að skilja guðina, né alheiminn sem þeir bjuggu til. Eigðu góðan dag. Bless!
  15. Taktu það upp með Z-kynslóðinni. Mér datt ekki í hug að nota "Karen" sem slangur. Þeir gerðu.
  16. Counting down the days til my tattoo appointment. I'm getting a Mjolnir tat on my chest, colored in the transgender flag colors. Surrounding it, I want to get the phrase "Trans pride will not be denied" in Norse runes as part of that tattoo. Meanwhile, I also plan to finish another tattoo I have. It's the phrase "Be gay, do crime" in runes. Plan is to have each rune colored in a different color of the Progress Pride flag. I also want to get the estradiol molecule on my left collarbone and a vegvísir (Norse compass) on my right shoulder.
  17. You don't think I have? I transferred to the pharmacy at my work. I love the work but hate a good chunk of customers for being idiots and Karens. Back in November, we started closing the pharmacy for a half-hour lunch break. A good lot of people were pissed about that. One day, I had one guy who angrily shoved a shopping cart into a wall right as we were closing for lunch. Then he walked right up to my register in front of me and another tech, slammed a couple pill bottles on the counter, and demanded that we fill his stuff. Never mind that WE WERE CLOSED! Another time, I had a Karen who bitched because something wasn't sent in. She then stood right there and wouldn't budge, as if that would make us fill her shit. She flipped the pharmacist on duty off and shooed me away, claiming I was being rude and argumentative. I was nothing but civil, yet firm. It got to a point where we had to call for a manager TWICE to get the Karen out of our hair so we could help other people, and the line was long that night. More recently, we started closing the pharmacy to the public on Sundays altogether but still having a skeleton crew working to fill stuff. Too many dumbasses have insisted on picking stuff up WHEN WE'RE CLEARLY CLOSED. They see the fucking gates down? DUH! Ef það er eitthvað sem það hefur kennt mér að vinna í apóteki þá er það að viðskiptavinir séu rétttir og heimskir í senn. Of margir heimskir skítar skilja ekki hugmyndina um opnunartíma og lokunartíma. Ef þeir skilja ekki stundirnar okkar, þá er það á ÞEIM, ekki okkur. Ekkir spyrja mig! Ég er lyfjatíkin!
  18. From Bloodsport: "You told me to use any technique that works. Never limit myself to one style. To keep an open mind."
  19. This one time at work, I had to show a Boomer guy where the laxatives were. He then proceeded to ask which one was the best. What the fuck made him think I know that kind of stuff? I don't know shit about shit that makes you shit! That's the pharmacist's domain!
  20. It was going to come out at some point. And now here I am, single during the holidays. I had hoped to, among other things, have a steady girlfriend to spend the holidays with. While I've been hanging out with this other girl, "Kylie", I still have trouble letting go of my feelings for Charlotte. Kylie and I have gone to board game nights hosted by our trans group. And we've also hit bars for karaoke and drinks. A couple beers in me and I'll belt out anything.
  21. There's this awesome Indian joint near me that has very good lamb biryani. It's my go-to dish whenever I go there. I always order it the spiciest they'll make it. Last time I ate there, the waiter tried to dissuade me from ordering it that way. Don't know why. Sometimes I wonder if it's because I'm a woman and obviously not of South Asian descent that he thought I couldn't handle it. I told him I can down a Carolina Reaper and shrug it off like it's nothing.
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