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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. So you believe people should have to work shitty jobs to earn the right to live? That's very telling about your morals and values. People should WANT to work, not have to.
  2. North Korea is no more socialist than Olive Garden is authentic Italian food. Try again.
  3. I'll just leave this here. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2012/3/29/1078852/-75-Ways-Socialism-Has-Improved-America?fbclid=IwAR1so_x2EWM5SoRXwmjAKAvm_sNKHWF9mhuxStmfLfIa76tsJYOU_JULas4
  4. Kikaider-01 episodes 1-4
  5. Happy Spirit Formation Journey Anniversary!
  6. I didn't come up with these slang names for hormone meds.
  7. I've been on here for two months and you still don't know what that means? When I say "titty skittles", I mean hormone pills. I also call them anticistamines, girl pills, antiboyotics, feminems, tit-tacs, and Notorious H.R.T.
  8. Millimeters are so much better than centimeters or inches. You don't have to write fractions or decimals as much.
  9. For a good long time, I thought I was 1,730 mm tall. When I went to my hormone doctor and the nurse measured me, however, I was actually 1,700 mm. Don't ask me to convert that to ye olden feet and inches because I'm not going to do it. I guess the HRT must have caused a small drop in height. That's not due to changes in the bones themselves so much as the ligaments and muscles in my spinal column.
  10. I already have a kid, but he's covered in feathers and has a 70-year life expectancy.
  11. It's that day already? Guess I'll give this song a listen once again.
  12. Once all the wealth hoarders a.k.a. billionaires are gone, we'd only allow millionaires at most. Going forward, you can only make up to $900 million. After that, every red cent is taxed and goes toward schools, healthcare, welfare, infrastructure, and the space program. You win a trophy that says "I won capitalism" and we name a dog park after you.
  13. Murderers, rapists, human traffickers, child abusers, animal abusers, spousal abusers, war criminals, child predators, and billionaires. Prison is too good for them so we need to give them capital punishment.
  14. I support capital punishment. Why should we let murderers continue to live? So they can do it again?
  15. I saw Kekkaishi when it aired on Toonami. Why didn't it get more seasons?
  16. Fena: Pirate Princess episode 7 My Hero Academia S5 E20 Kikaider episodes 8-10 Yashahime episode 12 Food Wars! S4 E5 Black Clover episode 166
  17. I bet if Delaware and the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland and Virginia merged into one state, we'd get an IKEA or two.
  18. Kikaider episodes 5-7
  19. Kikaider episodes 1-4
  20. Hitchcock's The Birds but it's TV and movie birds.
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