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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I don't mind being home. I mind being treated like I'm in fucking jail, though.
  2. I didn't get coronavirus, but I just got this last night. Ya boy somehow caught the other virus that's been going around. That's funny. At this current time? During a pandemic? It's absolutely hilarious. REALLY fucking funny. No, seriously! I'm laughing so hard. You just can't hear me.
  3. My workplace is shut down, but I get paid. Still worried, as I don't know how long this is going to last, and the company cannot pay me forever. I got this job after being laid off for three months too, last year. I don't want to go on a job search for a very long time.
  4. No testing? More like insignificant testing. Yesterday, there were 41 submitted cases and 38 that had yet to come back. However, this has changed. West Virginia has one confirmed case in the eastern panhandle (near Maryland and Virginia). I've said it before in a previous thread, but I am certain that there are more unknown cases that just have yet to be discovered, or are already here.
  5. Our governor, who's also a fatso, is encouraging people to go out and eat if they want to. It's like Opposite Land, here. http://wvmetronews.com/2020/03/16/restaurants-bars-remain-open-in-west-virginia-for-now/ However, my brother works as a manager for a restaurant, so I don't really want ANY of them to close if they don't have to. People are still eating out. It's just a very worrying time.
  6. The threads need to be isolated so they don't infect each other.
  7. After hearing his real voice, I can never imagine him as having the voice of a 4 year old child ever again.
  8. I don't think either of these are particularly good. Vampires get stuck with living forever, meaning that if you fall in love with someone, you have to bite them to keep them alive, as well as put up with them for eternity (or boot them if you're complete trash). You also have to stay out of daylight, as it can kill you. Not to mention, you have to either convert people to vampirism or suck them dry in order to stay alive. Aside from having potential vampire hunters on your tail, these things are very inconvenient. Also, Heaven sounds nice, but keep in mind that the Abrahamic God resembles a tyrant. Got pissed off at his own creation, flooded the world and killed everyone except for one family, then sent his own son (who is also himself) to die so that he could save us from himself. The guy has issues. I'd also imagine that Heaven would require a person to worship him 24/7, and that's not my thing. Both seem pretty awful, IMO.
  10. I'd say it's worth a shot.
  11. Gyaos


    Three weeks ago.
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