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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Gyaos


  2. How tragic. All of the art left because nobody was around to admire them.
  3. Hoping for July or August. However, I could see this going on for 18+ months if we don't get our shit together. The problem is that the general populations across the world need to be responsible in their actions. Not just politicians. I don't think people are able to do that.
  4. So were mine. I'm just gonna' keep putting money into it as much as possible, because I'm just ready to be done with it by next year. An extra $200 in my account would be nice when all of this shit blows over.
  5. May grill something if it's nice out, probably. No other plans.
  6. West Virginia's just a middle finger. Symbolic of its unwillingness to enter the fucking 21st century.
  7. Having played it, I agree with the first part, but the length is something I don't really understand. The original game was pretty short too. I expected the same with this game.
  8. Went shopping, as I was out of food. Got my shit, went to the cashier to have stuff ready and taken out. Once I got in line, this couple took their cart and were right behind me. Not even six feet apart from me. I had beer in my cart. "Yeah, beer is certainly essential," the man then said out loud. Never mind the fact that I had eggs, bread, assorted meats, rice, and three cans of beans in my (tiny) shopping cart. Never mind the fact that there's an "X" marking where these people should have been standing. They weren't even six feet away from me. I pointed it out to the man and he and his wife looked at me like I insulted both of their parents. This didn't happen at Walmart, where people are so close that it can make a person's asshole tight. This happened at a mom and pop grocery store that's been around for more than 40 years. There's no point in leisure shopping. You get what you want, get the fuck out, and go home. For fuck's sake, these smooth brains need to get a grip on life. I'm not even thirty years old yet and I have a better handle on life than these chuckleheads did. If someone talks that kind of talk, yet can't be bothered to "stand at the "X" to wait their turn like the paper sign on the door says, then they deserve to get shit on.
  9. From now on, any time you say "My friend," I'm gonna' assume it was actually you.
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