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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Hashbrown casserole. I promise it's more delicious than it sounds.
  2. I wasn't as active on [AS] as I have been here, and even then, I haven't popped in to post in quite a minute. Didn't even join [AS] until 2010. That being said, I enjoy the company here on UEMB when I do pop on. I just wish that ye olde [AS] hadn't been totally axed to oblivion 7 years ago. There were some cool members there I had good conversations with who aren't active here. I only remember one of them, though: AlucardSexyGhost.
  3. I tried explaining this to my friends, but they found it depressing. A year is just a number. If we lived on any other planet in our solar system with all limitations and resource problems pushed aside, "time" as we know it would work differently. It's just a way to measure a full revolution around the sun. Nothing remotely changes in society or culture because of that specific event.
  4. I dabble. I do text based roleplay. I write some poetry. But I especially love writing when it is a collaborative experience.
  5. Okay, so it is due to the VA sucking balls. I understand why you're hesitant in that case.
  6. I know it's probably a pain in the ass, but if it's covered, I'd still go to the VA if you could afford to do so. GRANTED, even the VA here is said to suck balls. So if you don't like the quality of care they provide, I understand.
  7. Yeah. Trying to revive this. =
  8. This, but the exact opposite.
  9. West Virginia is full of old people, so...yeah. I'd say Tootsie Rolls would be a favorite around these parts. Hell, I love them.
  10. I write for myself. I've no desire to get a book published.
  11. Based on tradition, I expect Godzilla to at least have an anti-hero role. Toho hasn't made him an outright hero since the 1970's films
  12. 12.
  13. Maybe the Mayans meant 2021 and it was just a typo on their part. Put 2012 instead of 2021.
  14. Was engaged, but never married. No kids, either.
  15. Can relate with the anxiety and the experience of having something shoved so fucking far up your nose. I've had to get tested twice. Here's hoping you don't have it.
  16. Tbf, I normally do it for people I know personally, but would happily provide it for a couple who didn't want a traditional priest for their wedding. Be they gay, trans, lesbian, or otherwise.
  17. I am an ordained minister in Dudeism and have presided over two weddings.
  18. Oops. I had a buzz going when I typed that. Should have been singular. But yeah, I just don't know how people notice such nuances. I don't find it to be a bad thing, just funny. I didn't even know my profile had "visitors" until someone made a thread about it. Edit: Might as well add something while I'm here. I'm okay with wearing face coverings. Only problem: Getting mad heat rash from having to wear them all day. I look even more like a teenager now.
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