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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Looks like New Orleans might be dodging a bullet. At least they might not have to worry about a direct hit. This thing is jackknifing hard. Sally looks like she her sights set on Mobile.
  2. Yeah but are any of you going to follow through and stick around to watch the girl? I think that is kind of mean imho.
  3. Put in some cheese and hot sauce preferably Sriracha.
  4. So you have seen one? Tell us about it.
  5. I do not think spinning causes gravity....
  6. Naw they come through at the ley lines.
  7. I would not mind living on a asteroid. But I guess party pooper will come in and say blah blah blah you need gravity or something.
  8. Aliens have alraedy been here from the other dimensions.
  9. Underneath the water, at the bottom of the sea.
  10. Whatever you say, George Jetson.
  11. Uhhh.... Venus is like 500 degrees permanently the Soviets sent a couple probes there that melted within minutes. And you think that is more viable than Mars? Can I have some of the drugs you are taking plz.
  12. Jesus Christ I hope they all crash into each other and break themselves up. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/14/weather/atlantic-ocean-5-active-tropical-cyclones/index.html
  13. Mortir


    Suck my ddddick.
  14. Pretty sure the meat at Taco Bell is dog food.
  15. Cracking open a low carb Monster and loading the grinder rite now.
  16. Wat? Your taster is broken. They do not taste like soap.
  17. Big burritos. I do not know about the price however. I have not been to a Chipolte in a few years. There are better options.
  18. Yep. It is about that time to crank the air conditioning, twist up a spliff, and then reheat the burger you got earlier but did not eat because you were not reallyl hungry at the time.
  19. Idk I am pretty sure there are signs at the park that say do not feed them. But then again myabe I am just misremembering things.
  20. Hmm. I do not know if this is bad or not. I feel like I have heard conflicting information about hand feeding squirels.
  21. Lol. Get gud scrub.
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