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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. The scars remind us the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel.
  2. Is that real? Why would they go to Chpotle if they do not like the taste?
  3. He is stirring... This year has been such a crap shoot it would not surprise me.
  4. Cool, cool. Hate me today, hate me tomorrow, etc.
  5. Yep no guarantees but here is hoping to a better year next year come on 2021.
  6. They ran out of names for the second time in history. This storm formed inside of the Gulf of Mexico. God speed South Texas.
  7. No I legit do not believe the almanac.
  8. I do not believe it.
  9. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Really makes you think.
  11. My laptop disconnects from the internet at least once a day. Bu that is probably because the onternet around here is spotty and goes out all the time.
  12. You should save yourself for the one you truley love though.
  13. We got written up one time for smoke a cigarette in the back. They still let us ride though.
  14. I forget where I sat on the bus all I remember was loading up on bowls before school and sleeping while listening to emo music on my Walkman.
  15. Mortir


  16. Ghosts and/or aliens put her up there to mess with you.
  17. Ever dream this man?
  18. Idk some people exist just to test you I think.
  19. We all know the alien base is on one of Saturn's moons anyway.
  20. But seriously. OP's joke is stale and old.
  21. Hockey is srs bznz.
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