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Everything posted by enad

  1. My ghost of Christmas future.
  2. Now you're gonna go down in flames, just like Red Dead Redemption 22222222.......
  3. The biggest complaint I have is the Bulbasaur.
  4. I would never work in a nursing home. But hey, at least we know your plan of action now that Tinder dayz is over.
  5. Happy Father's Day Bucket.
  6. As if I didn't pee in the shower enough.
  7. They ever cop to the fact that this was intentional?
  8. Was that Andy French?
  9. Any updates?
  10. The musk of Elon is upon you.
  11. Yea I know but that changes based upon the time period. When is this story supposed to be set?
  12. Mothballed by what standard?
  13. If that's the case you should go see a doctor now.
  14. You're alluding to some sort of bucket list?
  15. I'm assuming a typo on your part and you hit "ff" when you meant "gg"?
  16. It should have been this post.
  17. Say it
  18. I also enjoyed this troll a lot.
  19. It took you so long to get to this it might as well have been at the tip of your dick.
  20. I got a better one.
  21. That has something to do with it. I enjoy the way his character thinks he's killing it even while he's fucking up terribly. Such blithe confidence is something I appreciate.
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