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Everything posted by enad

  1. Been there, though not at Walmart. Tiring work.
  2. What did you do?
  3. If you are not a god then why are you depicted at so many temples?
  4. Is the "something big" your erection?
  5. We all know that the real reason you've never sent a dick pic is that IMAX smartphones haven't been invented yet.
  6. Bumping this forever
  7. It's more we don't want you to wake up with morning wood and need to patch a hole in your roof.
  8. ghostrek rn
  9. He just looks like an old Whig perv.
  10. What do you get when you have a circumference divided by a diameter? The place where "pi" comes out.
  11. Offensive of WIll Smith to put on Smurface for white people's entertainment tbh.
  12. enad


  13. enad


    There an estimate on the actual number of members minus the alts and bots?
  14. It sounds like she's singing "I got holes, I count em".
  15. As a wedding present you should do a video review of his fanfics.
  16. I'm looking forward to Shazam!
  17. I saw your vulva so I'll never be well again.
  18. I give the movie a 3/10 because of her boner-blocking feet. However somewhere dudeco is going Super Saiyan right now.
  19. Close enough
  20. R Kelly is the next OJ. First the juice was loose, Now the piss is bliss.
  21. I wasn't fat shaming. It was a reference to the fact that you go down and cause unnecessary burning like the Hindenburg.
  22. You'd have thought the Air Force would've decommissioned its last blimp years ago.
  23. I like the Captain America movies because ironically enough they're the most subversive from a character that could easily be a self-parody. Also the art design of Marvel was never better than the 40's sets of the first one.
  24. My old AMD processor on my tower won't run it even though my computer is more than powerful enough to handle something like Titanfall 2. I'm hoping they put out a patch for this issue like they did with Destiny 2 but since the game is free 2 play I'm not optimistic. And anyway Titanfall 2 is more fun.
  25. enad


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