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Everything posted by enad

  1. That last bit is you just being mean Sponges.
  2. And most importantly if she says no tell her that you understand. Then when she turns to leave grab her by the shoulders and forcefully sniff her hair from behind. She will consider this flattering in a primal sense.
  3. Zoo
  4. SC decided in a 5-4 decision today that racial gerrymandering is legal.
  5. Then suggest to her that you roleplay ComEd workers and offer her the opportunity to sit atop a telephone pole.
  6. First tell her that you are a janitor. Then tell her if she was a men's room floor that you would polish the piss off of all her surfaces.
  7. enad

    Duck Game

    It is. And I think Rick and Morty is meh, so you know I'm skeptical of AS shit.
  8. If you tear her in half the gentlemanly thing to do is at least buy her a zipper.
  9. https://goo.gl/images/1B45FL
  10. Too mean.
  11. If this refers to Kevin Smith then it depends on the size of the mop.
  12. Aubrey Pizza
  13. I forgot how fucking terrible the ending to this series was. It wasn't even an ending. The last fight just sort of...stopped.
  14. You could also do the adult thing and play Frasier as the soundtrack of your life.
  15. Grave of the Fireflies
  16. It's nearly time.
  17. Unless you get out in time you are compelled to ROLEPLAY things.
  18. enad

    Duck Game

    This is the only interaction with anything Adult Swim that I've had in a decade. Would anyone like to play with me?
  19. I did not try this joke. In that joke I compared your dick to an Islamic terrorist hostage situation.
  20. Zeni you should place bets on horse races. And by that I mean wager how fast the chicks from OkCupid will run away.
  21. Birth control being forgetting to bring a ladder to the bedroom?
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