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Everything posted by enad

  1. Organized religion, entertainment, or professional sports? Provide supporting evidence for your choice.
  2. I think you mean "ate".
  3. Your hair color makes it difficult to tell either way, which is to your favor.
  4. Yea the last time she held a White House press conference has to be months ago now.
  5. In all seriousness @ghostrek will outlive all of us.
  6. The best part is the pun that you didn't even intend. 3/10
  7. Why not?
  8. @ghostrek do a video review.
  9. Which one of you wrote this? http://blanketchat.blogspot.com/2016/01/well-after-more-than-decade-adult-swim.html?m=1
  10. Always thought he was Packard.
  11. Actually she had an abortion so it would be more like Scarby's.
  12. Are you in the mood for Arby's? You will be.
  13. While not actually proof of ghosts to see his dick is to believe in monsters.
  14. I forgot if it was him or goldar. I didn't really talk to either of them.
  15. So all the memories heavy flow back.
  16. Just been thinking about dead people lately. RIP Nabs I promise I'll hook the worm that hooked you.
  17. I go to arcade bars a lot when I'm bored by myself.
  18. I'm going to put on my Sunday Best like Ralph Northam.
  19. I only remember it because I see your annual thread lamenting it. I feel about your dick the way Trump feels about nukes; why have all that explosive power if you're too scared to use it?
  20. sup
  21. I have never not posted. I will always be posting.
  22. Do you think Dan Savage will ever admit it?
  23. enad

    I'm married now

    Only one?
  24. Way to cut the legs out from under him.
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