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Everything posted by enad

  1. enad


    I don't know how figurative you're being.
  2. enad


  3. Happy prenup.
  4. Come with me... And you'll be... In a world of pubescent penetration...
  5. I think tonight is your night.
  6. Much like the woman it costs too much, is too small, and gives me projectile shits.
  7. I can't imagine the 2 a.m. shits you're going to have after belly full of TV dinner meatloaf and powdered sugar donuts.
  8. You lived it.
  9. I just realized how much he reminds me of Trevor from GTA 5.
  10. Eating a television sounds less disgusting.
  11. Yes but what was in it? Unless you mean you ate a television.
  12. What did you have for dinner?
  13. I had a trucker show me his gun bulge in his pants at one of those kind of diners one time after Trump came on the TV. Though he could have just been packing a ghostrek.
  14. One Piece
  15. 2005 called and wants its zeitgeist back.
  16. Why?
  17. This is not an ontological debate about the meaning of words ghostrek. This is about you doing right by your fans.
  18. @ghostrek your videos aren't going to really take off unless you cater to the desires of the marketplace.
  19. @ghostrek please make a video review.
  20. I don't like the way this thread is conspiring against you on your birthday, @Jeffchao228.
  21. Hockey Chicken
  22. enad

    i am board

    I am fiord.
  23. I can't decide if you will never need oil changes or constantly need oil changes.
  24. That would be more like a Hot Wheels track. Going to make the Gs pay for it.
  25. I build bridges. Nabs simply tugs under them.
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