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Everything posted by enad

  1. Martian Lawrence?
  2. It's a wedding of course it's unoriginal. If I was looking to be unique id shove the wedding cake up her butt and honeymoon in Syria.
  3. Is the reason the bills aren't broken because you have no reason to purchase any of those rubbers over your shoulder?
  4. You get to f*** any girls that don't escape.
  5. I said a test flight not a report card.
  6. When I first plugged you I thought I was going to jizz but I peed instead cuz you remind me of a toilet. I want you to flush my babies. I kissed the rain down in Africa.
  7. ghostrek: "I am a big, bright, shining star."
  8. At least she moved all of them to one shelf.
  9. It's appropriate you'll be betting on Iran as she'll be looking to evacuate.
  10. Was she up in your grill?
  11. I meant adult swim in general. My talents are multifaceted. But it's never too late for you to rectify their mistakes.
  12. You know who I've always enjoyed? Sister-ectomy.
  13. But tomorrow is a work day.
  14. Your laudable attempts at creativity notwithstanding the banana belongs in the mouth.
  15. enad


    The dpossible dream.
  16. enad


    I he grew up to be Donald Trump.
  17. enad


  18. enad


    You've found your battle cry.
  19. Rose confirmed as Honika.
  20. If you shoe her I bet she'll let you ride.
  21. enad


    Is an anagram for "Zeta Bottom".
  22. If it makes you feel any better you will soon lose all your employment prospects.
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