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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Divisional Round Saturday Vikings v 49ers 3:35 pm Titans v Ravens 7:15 pm Sunday Texans v Chiefs 2:05 pm Seahawks v Packers 5:40 pm
  2. *Leaderboard* Seight - 174 VicodineS - 173 Panic - 170 Pooh - 169 Ginguy - 167 Master-Debater - 166 Starpanda - 162 Distoredreasoning - 123 Molarbear - 133 Scoobdog - 114 That One Guy - 10 Picks are up for the Divisional Games.
  3. Mike McCarthy is new head coach for the Cowpies....
  4. Rygar
  5. Ginguy


    It isn't political commentary....
  6. I think Brady is going to retire.
  7. Goblin Slayer perhaps? It is short enough to air while not delaying SAOUnderground Slug by much. It might also be the Blade Runner series....
  8. I didn't know it was a film. I cant read moon runes, I just saw Gundam and figured it would be on the list. Right up there with 7 Mortal Sins... 😜
  9. Hmmmm Rygar Wing Commander The D&D gold box series (Pool of Radiance/Krynn) Gladius Altered Beast Phantom Dust Metal Dungeon ( I feel like this was half the game it could have been, like there was supposed to be much more content to it ) Septerra Core
  10. Happy Birfday Rogue
  11. There's this. Seems like something Toonami would grab.
  12. JDubbz? Holy hell that's a blast from the past. Glad to see you around here though Cidz. Also Steamboy might be a decent family movie.
  13. Ouch. Is there any way to direct vent the boiler out the basement instead of through the chimney? Otherwise it seems like you are just going to be doing this again and again. It might be worth the probable cost. The biggest thing with electric is if the wiring is mixed aluminum and copper and wasn't done right. We had this issue in our church and it wasn't done right, it causes a very real fire hazard. It cost our church $1500 to trace and repair it. The Session was complaining about the money until I showed them the wire nut that was melted from arcing. I got my money approved that night. Hopefully you aren't in that kind of situation, but it might not hurt to have your electrician check it out when you get to updating.
  14. Ouch. When you replace the rest of your sanitary drain, be sure to put in a back-flow prevention valve. Best couple hundred dollars you will spend. I wouldn't run the fireplace if the ventilation is suspect, and the electrical is kind of scary. Is it knob and tube (replace that shit immediately) or just older and possibly a mix of copper and aluminum (safe if it was done right)? I got hit last year with needing a new roof and having to put in a drainage tile to control water in my front yard, that sucked. Yay home equity loan being lower than the financing offer from the roofing company, and yay for being able to pay it off early without penalty. Still sucked though, I had to pass up on a White House Christmas tour and some other cool opportunities. Home ownership is really good for unexpected and costly bills....
  15. Hmm, sounds like you should just go for a HE electric tank. You can get really good ratings for a comparatively cheap price. Bummer way to start the new year, but hopefully this is getting the crud out of the way first.
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