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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. $315? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Why can't I just ignore the "RIP" comments on youtube clips featuring actors I didn't know were dead? My curiosity always gets the best of me, then I look it up and the actor never dies due to some drug shit or old age that you expect. It's always murdered or died some depressing way because of a painful disease. Every time.
  3. Why are you spreading this? Let these idjits die in obscurity.
  4. Mochi, just accept it. This is the mess that you're getting.
  5. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    *Presses back button. Cannot exit game* These latest updates have been janky as fuck .
  6. I hate that the person who caused my car accident in '05 will always occupy headspace because she's the reason why I'll be in daily pain for the rest of my life.
  7. At least that piece of crap got Detective Pikachu trending and reminded me it's coming out on the 9th.
  8. Dude, please save the Clinton obsession for other shit threads. Dragons or gtfo.
  9. I'm good with Arya knifing him, but this would have been preferable as a last episode fight.
  10. Yeah, I could see the budget got spent on the dragons, but when that happens, you gotta be creative so that doesn't show, i.e. Dothraki being sent off to die for no good reason, having less lighting to hide the flaws, and just rushing this whole thing. That requires out of the box thinking though, and the directors/writers do not have that ability.
  11. Won't be sleeping tonight. Too many zombie chase scenes to be giving my brain ideas to traumatize me as I sleep. This episode actually made my stomach hurt from stress. This would have been better though if the characters weren't so dumb and had decent strategies. Or just basic shit like not letting your dragon get close to the ground when a bunch of zombies are waking up in your vicinity. Stuff like that takes me out of the story because it's such a boneheaded thing to do. I did like this episode, but there always seemed to be a banner hanging over everything with the words, "WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES?" because of how the camera kept panning to major characters in any ambiguous circumstances. That is so daytime soap opera. Maybe the zombie storyline not getting wrapped up properly isn't bothering me because I had little expectation of them pulling it off well due to how short this season was. This on top of the King's Landing drama is too much for these writers to handle without a full book at their disposal.
  12. *Sigh* Guess I'll watch the whole episode tonight. Me and my friggin weakness to battle scenes.
  13. Viewfinder!
  14. Happy Birthday Vamped!
  15. Some places are good about letting you switch out sides, but others at that price point can be really strict too.
  16. Would love to try a Wagyu beef coulotte, but I probably have to order that from Costco or Crowd Cow due to Georgia not having decent butcher shops like up north.
  17. Happy Birthday Ghostie!
  18. Was this a sexual text sent to the wrong person, or am I thinking about another poster/forum? My brain is mush separating conversations across sites right now. What about lunch and maybe some other activity that's more your thing?
  19. There are pinned threads explaining this, so it wasn't a surprise.
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