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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Pretty good. I'm traveling to Indianapolis to visit family who I only get to see about once a year or two.
  2. Story inspiration and home decor stuff mostly.
  3. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!! I accidentally saw a spoilery pic on tumblr about the What We Do in the Shadows cameos! Waaaahhhh! That would have been the best surprise, and now I fucking know who will pop up. GODDAMMIT! Why do I have so much work right now and can't watch nice things?
  4. *Sigh* I wish I was more ruthless.
  5. Awesome. Bigots are fucking up social media searches for writer stuff because they're using words incorrectly again.
  6. All I know about this show are Drake memes.
  7. I've never tried it because my Marshmallow Fluff always got used for sundaes or shakes.
  8. Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's already cancelled. What the fuck is DC doing? https://www.cbr.com/swamp-thing-cancellation-north-carolina-accounting-error/ And honestly, this is what you get for fucking with North Carolina.
  10. Riverdale is one of the few shows everyone can spoil right in front of me because I ain't ever giving it more of my time. When I'm in the mood for a ridiculous 'pretty people with bad writing' show, I'll bump up Shadowhunters on my watchlist. Magic sprinkled with some gay romance is worth the suffering.
  11. Yeah, you brought this on yourself. I typically love corny shit like this, but I tapped out after 2 minutes because the writing and acting were turrible. My ass sat through multiple episodes of the Charmed reboot and got some enjoyment out of them, so my tolerance for bad writing is pretty high.
  12. I heard that you do this to not make the jelly side soggy if you're eating it later, but if I'm eating it as soon as it's made, HELL NO! Team More Jelly!
  13. I'm gonna wait until mid-December when there are at least 5 black Christmas movies on the DVR to watch after it because When They See Us is gonna fuck me up. I'm so happy that a black director like Ava DuVernay got this, but damn, she did not come to play.
  14. I wish all douchebags hired idjits like these as their lawyers.
  15. Zero interest in the new Isekai shows unless the ratings are fantastic.
  16. *Takes a deep breath and swallows back a 15 minute rant about the X-Men movies and the Dark Phoenix Saga.* Go see John Wick 3.
  17. I think she was one of the murdered ghost stories. That picture was gruesome as fuck to me as a kid, and it's actually still kind of hard to look at directly.
  18. To this day, if some old lady asks me to carry her covered basket, that bitch is on her own.
  19. I was prepared for this shit to go down, but fuck...
  20. You'll remember what it is as soon as you're comfortable in bed.
  21. Same. Other fashion shows feel too serious, but this was fun to watch.
  22. I need someone else to make this thread.
  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://undercover-witch.tumblr.com/post/137580257626/animetrashlord This comic had the best way of inviting people into your home. God I love nerds.
  24. That just makes you a perfectly normal human being. People are gonna feel all kinds of things when relatives pass, good or bad. If you acted as her caretaker in any way, feeling relief afterwards isn't a surprise because that's lifting a big burden off your shoulders, even if you didn't admit it was that at the time. What matters most is what you did when she alive. If she cared about you, you moving on with your life in a positive manner afterwards should have made her happy.
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