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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Wouldn't hurt to give them a try. It only got hard for me to watch the last couple because after they started making a shit load of money, the length of the movies goes up too.
  2. 'Cause Gozilla be like: "I wanna get you in the back seat, wings up That's the way you like to fuck,"
  3. It's on my giant watchlist but it'll be a month or two before I check it out. Every time I look at photos from the show, it makes me jealous of people who can rock long nails like that without stabbing themselves. Day one of wearing those suckers, I would lose an eye.
  4. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Yaaayy, I don't have to go look up randos on twitter to add as friends.
  5. I enjoyed Satoshi Kon's work because he did what I wanted live action directors to do as far as mind-bending kind of stuff. When others did it, it just came off as pretentious as fuck, but something about Kon's work made it so full of life. Also, it's fun just sharing the experience of his work. I have a lot of fond memories of Paranoia Agent first appearing on Adult Swim and all the discussion boards were having a blast with it.
  6. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that movie just because they used the ol' elevator gag.
  7. Hero or villain, I'm dressing like a Sailor Moon villain.
  8. Oh my god, I can hear the sweet, sweet cries of the police protesting that first movie right now.
  9. That looks like a really tiny demon.
  10. I'll live with the annoying lizard pattern for shiny red. The bag in that link would be so nice for carrying art supplies.
  11. *Trying not to unzip lips*
  12. This is my kind of tacky: https://www.danburymint.com/prod/730/5619-0010/Ruby-Red-Genuine-Leather-Handbag
  13. *Zips lips*
  14. Well the question touched on which age groups usually buy purses like that, so I tried to keep it to that. My tastes can be tacky too, so I just leave others alone about what they want.
  15. Mid-30's and up. So to younger folks, yes.
  16. It's looks bad but cheesy enough that I'll watch it.
  17. Happy Birthday person who puts up with us!
  18. Any check with multiple places in front of the decimal point is nice, especially if that check gives you bragging rights.
  19. Congrats, man! *Tries to be nosy and squints at the written amount on the check*
  20. My eyes want to roll to the back of my skull when I read reviews like this.
  21. For the most part I suggest minding your business other than bringing up the fact that cheating is creating a motive for someone to kill yo ass.
  22. It would be nice if white folks stopped 2-star bombing good Chinese restaurants because, "This food is too spicy!" I especially want to slap the shit out of you if you leave this kind of review for a Szechuan place. Do everyone a favor and take your whiny asses to Panda Express. And dear Chinese restaurants, stop catering to these idiots. Y'all start off with awesome food, get discouraged by the Krystals of the world who don't add salt to their macaroni and cheese dishes saying your food is too spicy or salty, turn your food bland as fuck in response, and then your restaurant tanks in less than a year because now no one wants your food. It's seriously annoying watching this happen over and over again.
  23. I would appreciate it if every sad Gintama episode didn't squeeze my heart into little pieces.
  24. Dude, you're alive. Why the heck are you still letting them rent headspace? Out of curiosity, what was the cause of the accident?
  25. So...you keep asking her to come to your desk while doing things you're not supposed to? Stilgar does have a point. This is practically snitching on yourself.
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