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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. They do thirty-day free trials, so you have plenty of time to watch stuff. Just remember to cancel it before the trial is up.
  2. 3 scoops Santa's White Christmas ice cream(coffee with chocolate espresso chips) hot fudge whipped cream Spanish peanuts fried plantians cherries
  3. Freshly killed meat can move if the muscles and nerves are still active. I'm exaggerating about it being minutes. It can be maybe a day old(I am not a food expert).
  4. At least some people are dancing in the crowd.
  5. That's why the only 'just killed 2 minutes ago meat' that I'll roll with is seafood. I don't give a shit if those little fuckers are doing flips, they're getting in my belly.
  7. A week or two at a five star hotel, all the delicious food I want, actually wearing my nice stuff, no deadlines in sight, a little bit of research thrown in to make parts of my trip tax deductible, and zero family emergencies to worry about.
  8. Was your husband smug about it? The only bad thing about being sort of healthy and getting my shit together is all the damn forms I have to fill out. All of this feels too much like a regular job. Ugh, I swear on Jebus that at the end of this year, I'll take a real vacation.
  9. DragonSinger


    My therapists were way too careful to let that happen, so I never got to hear anything juicy. But for OP's convo, I'm going with, "...are going to share custody." All the stuff I eavesdrop on that people quickly shush the other person on the phone or move to another room are always about marital problems.
  10. I already knew not to fuck with y'all based on what I'd heard from other people, but damn y'all sure did shit the bed and deservedly so. I just hope that you're not dragging other innocent parties down with your sorry greedy asses too. Jesus this has been a month. Why can't folks act right?
  11. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless episode 12 Oh God, so much nostalgia about assigned seating in high school, and yes I was that damn dramatic about avoiding the front row too 😂.
  12. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless episode 11 I adore this show so much because it's the only anime that truly gets lazy people like me.
  13. *Looks at Sentai summer sale about to end* I am in now way jealous of anyone with money who's buying a bunch of anime from that sale. Not jealous at all, no sirree.
  14. Kroger. They had them right next to the carts, so I went ham and showed no mercy to you late shoppers. 😈
  15. Double Decker 13 I'm going through my current watch list and finishing up series that had 1-3 episodes left to watch. My ADD sucks so much.
  16. Oh that's a good one. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a movie I can't watch without being interrupted, so I've never really seen it.
  17. You're late to the party. I got four 12-packs back in like May.
  18. I need to go drop this in my never pile on Myanimelist.
  19. I would have to be so, so drunk to watch this unless I use it as a punishment movie like when someone wants to peek at my laptop screen during a flight.
  20. Dude, come on! I'm annoyed by CG stuff, but that trailer was purdy.
  21. You'll be right about that once I have the two lesbian romance series started.
  22. I'm busy editing books so I can publish them on Amazon and have extra money by the time Black Friday rolls around.
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