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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I can sexy dance.
  2. Cashing in on Halloween before the season is over 😄. It'd be nice to have two bodies. One for work, and one to fuck around online.
  3. Editing a comedic Horror story and trying not to get into Twitter fights about washed up movie snobs who won't shut the fuck up.
  4. It's a cute shirt. Totally jealous of your nails that I can't have without poking myself in the eye.
  5. I squash shit like this before it becomes any type of issue. You seem really weak.
  6. Reading situations like this makes me appreciate that I'm a bitch.
  7. Shit like this is why most anime fans I talk to are female.
  8. I would eat this but would prefer sour cream instead of mayo. Pineapple on pizza is good when whoever makes it isn't being cheap with the ingredients. It goes nicely with good ham or bacon.
  9. *Mean-mugs @GuyBeardmane for posting Skeletor before me*
  10. I thought Bast was cool. My old apartment building burned down a few months after we moved out. Luckily, there weren't any injuries because I was pretty much the only one in that building during the daytime and everyone else was at work. The other arson fires in that same complex was part of the reason we hurried up and moved out.
  11. I'll add that if some of those folks had chronic illnesses, it's pretty good odds that their prescriptions also caused weight gain. Some drugs can help you pack on over 100 pounds in less than a year, and your doctor might even feel like that's not an important fact to know.
  12. I want to cry.
  13. Demon Slayer 20
  14. Demon Slayer 19
  15. This isn't the Tell a Lie thread.
  16. Demon Slayer 14 And goddamn these endings because they make me click on the next episode to see what happens. I was only supposed to watch 2.
  17. Demon Slayer 10 Well that was different.
  18. There isn't anything lurking under your bed.
  19. Pineapple and ham pizza is terrible.
  20. Demon Slayer 5 Please stop making me cry.
  21. Metal or soft? Never mind, my tired eyes finally saw 'bag' instead of 'box' this morning. God I hate editing big ass stories because it fucks up my posting.
  22. Because everyone knows this is gonna happen:
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