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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Why they do Gon and Killua like that? Let them have their narrator 😆.
  2. I'll add on to my other post that while the characters are trans, it is a drag ball they're performing in. That is true to history, and I just remembered why I put off this show. The second season has stuff about AIDS, and that depresses the fuck out of me no matter how well it's handled. Also, after more thought, Atlanta's balls are more about vogueing, so the balls are less drag and more just fem/masculine type of dances on a catwalk while in themed outfits/costumes. Here are some clips:
  3. Is the ball scene different where you've been? Here in Georgia, it's a very inclusive space, so being asked if you go to balls is kinda common if you're into dancing and fall under any of the LGBTQ range. Pose has multiple actors who are trans playing characters who are trans. I've only seen clips because I can't watch anything serious until I finish my work, but in the scenes, the women I saw were explicitly trans and not drag queens. Maybe because it's the south, but balls here were more about folks who got blocked from the other queer spaces(PoC and people who were trans/genderqueer). That's why I really want to go to them just because they've always seemed way more relaxed. Honestly, I was surprised someone asked you if you've been to a ball because you're white. Videos of balls are one of the few times I gotta play Where's Waldo in order to find someone white in the crowd.
  4. It's gonna be a tough sell for her not to see it as a date. @Doom Metal Alchemist can use the concert as an opportunity to start up a real conversation though. Maybe if he goes in the break room staring happily at his phone and also humming a little, his excitement might make his co-worker curious about what has him happy. Doom can then say that he's really into music, so he's looking forward to going to a concert on his day off. This can lead to him opening up more without sounding weird because it's about a subject he likes. If she expresses interest in the concert, then he can mention having an extra ticket.
  5. Who's the dude?
  6. Dude wants to become the greatest ninja Everyone laughs at him He makes friends Ninja tournament Oh no, his friend goes off to train with evil ninja Come back friend! Friend: Naw bitch, fuck all of y'all Time skip: Now they're hot teen ninjas FILLER TIME! What an awesome fight-FILLER TIME! Oh he dead. He dead too. Main Evil ninja is like 7 different people/personalities?(I haven't finished Shippuden) You get a wife, and you get a wife... I do enjoy the Naruto series, but it could have been handled better once the show caught up with the manga.
  7. Happy Birthday Mthor! And I totally believe that you had nothing to do with Zeni's disappearance. 😉
  8. Stomach flares suck so much. Had a really delicious burger and fries from Ted's, but I fell asleep on my stomach and now it wants to upchuck everything because of acid reflux.
  9. *Sigh* It's on me for halfway reading her post, so she gets to keep the like.
  10. Because I would burn myself. My depth perception is terrible.
  11. That's why I don't fuck with straighteners or curling irons.
  12. Ding, ding, ding!
  13. Yes, the Instagram post is very funny.
  14. Zero sympathy. You knew what you were getting into when you ordered it.
  15. By making it delicious even if it's just toast. I always have a bunch of spreads(crunchy cookie butter/chocolate) on hand and splurge a little on preserves instead of jellies or jams.
  16. Ah yes, the teenage years when I went through my phase of obsessing over vampire fiction(Interview with the Vampire, Lost Boys, The Last Vampire, etc.). "Oh my god, you guys! We could totally live in New Orleans by a cemetery, and always dress up and wear fake fangs! It'd be so fucking awesome if vampires were real!"
  17. Yeah, every response about this show is making it slip further down my watchlist. Especially with new shows premiering on regular tv this week.
  18. Darn you, Rihanna, darn you! I have no Savage x Fenty money, so why you gonna showcase nice bras that hold the tatas in place even with Normani's dancing? Huh? *Sobs* Rihanna gonna wreck my whole wallet in the future. Why did someone who can actually dance have to come out with a lingerie line? FUCK!
  19. Maybe it's because in Joel Osteen memes you can actually sense how much people hate his hypocritical ass. Like every pic comes with a silent, "THIS MOTHAFUCKA..."
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