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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. This is awesome except for the food thief trying to be handsy.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Watch it flush and see if the chain is too long or short and adjust it to see if that works. There are youtube videos that demonstrate what everything is supposed to look like. On to my rant: fuckballs. I stayed quiet hoping that no one would ask me questions, but now I can't keep ducking and have to make a statement.
  4. We're only getting up to 83 today! Woohoo!
  5. I actually like these because my grandma had them around along with hard toffees. Sixlets? I assume that only serial killers eat these.
  6. *Imagines a threesome with you, Ghostie, and Packard*
  7. I've had too much work to do, and Georgia was hot as fuck.
  8. Working on crappy Inktober art.
  9. He deserves to exist as the child between Naruto and Sasuke(it's a fantasy world with ninjas so it can happen) with a completely different personality.
  10. Editing while spurning my current watchlist of new stuff by watching Haikyuu again. That show really gives me an energy boost though.
  11. I need to do a rewatch of these because I haven't seen any of them since middle school.
  12. I still haven't seen this movie yet.
  13. This is totally a legit song.
  14. This is such a lovely song to dance to.
  15. I forgot this show had a game. Did you get to play it, and how fun was it?
  16. You know what, I haven't seen this for a while, so into my Halloween movie list it goes.
  17. You're not alone. Weed's never appealed to me other than its medicinal properties. The drugs I would like to try are stuff unhealthy people shouldn't fuck around with. So *shrug*. You end up trying some stuff or you don't. No big deal either way. It is fun to bust your chops though.
  18. Whether or not you ever enjoy those type of Scooby Snacks.
  19. It's gonna be almost 100 today. Fuck Georgia!
  20. I'm curious to see how he responds.
  21. Wrong bodily fluid, but my body is performing better today.
  22. I'm about to heat up an instant noodle bowl and start editing.
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