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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Pickled beets. Tried some as a free sample and wanted to rip my tongue out.
  2. Fresh chocolate chip cookies will always own my heart.
  3. This is still a weak ass excuse to call it a 'Poor man's Star Trek'. And while Star Trek is an influential series, it's not the be-all and end-all of creating the concepts seen in Sci-Fi shows, but is more responsible for those concepts being placed onscreen for the first time.
  4. Don't get me started on Universe. I liked the concept of having a more mature Stargate show, but they fucked up by assuming mature means a bunch of meaningless sex scenes and relationship drama that was on a scale with Lifetime dramas. And the one fucking chance they had to really show themselves as something different, they undid everything so there were no real consequences. They wasted talent like Robert Carlyle, Ming-Na Wen, and Lou Diamond Phillips, and it still pisses me off whenever I think about it.
  5. When I have the money, I definitely want to buy the whole manga set.
  6. I mean that the quality of the burgers at White Castle have remained the same throughout the years no matter where I get them. Most other fast food restaurants have gone downhill, including Krystals.
  7. THIS. Florida is already fucked before you even add in climate change. Aren't they always in the news for sinkholes too? Good luck with that, Sawdy.
  8. The difference between White Castles and Krystals is the former is steamed to be softer and usually has more onions, and the latter is a little drier which is why Krystals have mustard added to them. As a restaurant, White Castle has better sides and consistency. - Someone who would be in Indiana visiting their family and eating White Castles right now if it wasn't for this fucking pandemic.
  9. "Joker was so dark." "OMG, I had to watch a happy movie after it." Me throughout most of the movie: 😑 I'mma need all the wussy motherfuckers who told me this shit to go watch some Korean thrillers because this was tame as fuck. I'll give Phoenix some cred because his acting was the only reason why I stuck it out to the end. I stand by my words before this shit came out.
  10. Yeah, yeah. This. I was totally gonna say something less psycho and not this:
  11. I was gonna rag on you for not finding live performances, but after going to youtube, it's hard as hell to find a video of him like in the 50's-70's without a bunch of awkward as fuck white folks in the background killing the vibe with their terrible dancing.
  12. I'm so tired of this home cooking bullshit. I don't want to make my own fries. This is too much damn work. Cutting them fuckers into strips, throwing them into an ice bath, and then double-frying them bastards. I'm too fucking lazy for this shit. Why do fried potatoes have to taste so fucking good? This is mainly because drive-thru takeout is the only thing that feels safe because after our governor reduced restrictions, a bunch of people got it into their heads that this was over and want to stand all over you now. Also, a lot of fast food isn't worth waiting behind fifteen cars. The only places that are empty when they first open are Burger Fi and Five Guys. At BF, I'd have to get a burger too which is 8.50 because I gotta have a double. 😫 I ain't got 8.50 burger money! And Five Guys can just go fuck themselves because their mediocre ass burgers are 8 dollars for a single now. This is why I always admit that if a zombie apocalypse goes down, my spoiled ass is gonna be one of the first to die.
  13. Glad to hear you're doing better. That shit scares me.
  14. Y'all bitches better wait until I can escape to Washington.
  15. 1. Read 2. Write 3. Draw 4. Organize all these damn receipts 5. Clean my desks.
  16. I want to like all these messy ass tweets. All of them goddammit! Why'd I go and pretend to be a professional? I'm so envious of these authors who don't give a shit about their careers and are having the time of their lives.
  17. My ears are so itchy. Fuck seasonal allergies!
  18. The first 2 seasons I really liked, but the third had a plot that the mangaka really mishandled, and the drop in quality of the anime made it worse. And the 'best waifu' bullshit similar to the Fate series is annoying as fuck.
  19. Dorohedoro Episode 5 I would have had the same reaction to "Bully sandwich". Really happy they showed the toilet because I was super curious how it worked. The world building in this series is phenomenal. If I had the money, I would buy up the manga in a heartbeat because I can tell the art must be awesome.
  20. Dorohedoro Episode 3 I love this ED that made it look like the zombies are dancing while chasing people. Nikaido's backstory is more intriguing to me though which is saying something when there's a dude with a lizard head.
  21. Dorohedoro Episode 2 Before the zipper dress scene, I already guessed the mangaka of this series was a woman. Dudes tend to go for low hanging fruit when it comes to shock value which bores me, but this show is entertaining in a creative way.
  22. Food Wars Season 3 was a disappointment for me, so getting Paranoia Agent in its place is a big jump up in quality. And like @Top Gun said, I don't give a fuck about the reason. I want to relive the joy of live watching it with others because that was really fun on its original run.
  23. Dorohedoro Episode 1 Came to this late to the party and totally in the dark about the plot, and holy fucking hell, this is my kind of fucked up. Really digging it so far, and the OP/ED had me jamming.
  24. This. I want the good shit right now. I ain't settling for nothing.
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