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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I was watching way shittier movies back then for that to even register as more than a 'meh'.
  2. You knew I was going to whisper "Surf Ninjas was a great movie", didn't you?
  3. There's needs to be some kind of caption or subtitles to state what make-up a person is rocking when it looks gorgeous. I want to know what eyeshadow that lady on the back left has on. The is the only ASMR that appeals to me:
  4. I never really understood how they spread so quickly until I saw a video of dry brush that lit up like it was doused in gasoline. The seconds it took for those flames to spread so far was terrifying to watch.
  5. That is so not in my wheelhouse. Even my YA stories are gory. I do follow a bunch of illustrators on Twitter though, and a couple work in children's books like Vashti Harrison. Following someone like her could give you decent insight into that medium.
  6. I'm married to my work, and it's gonna stay that way for a while.
  7. I want to fight J.J. Abrams.
  8. Nope. I usually buy fruits and veggies, but too many people don't know how to properly pick them out.
  9. Hannibal has ruined me. NBC let the show get away with so much shit that now when I see similar gruesome stuff in other shows or movies, it's not as good. Midsommar spoilers: I hate that I want to bingewatch Hannibal, but my brain can only handle a few episodes at a time right now.
  10. Midsommar - 2 out of 'Why the fuck did I watch this movie?' stars. Modern cult movies are the fucking worst. I fucking hate them, but I still watched this shit. It's my fault for giving this shit a chance because Hereditary only went down the toilet at the end. Not so with this film. It was a turd from beginning to end, and nothing in this movie made it worth wasting my time. Other than portraying some grief well, all other human reactions to events in this film make no sense, and I ain't gonna bother listing anything else because this is one of the few films that pissed me off as much as Enter the Void. Ari Aster is going on my ban list.
  11. Pokemon Go code: 7002 4182 8125
  12. No clue why this made a double post.
  13. Reorganizing my work space. Not even joking. Moving art supplies, crates filled with crap, wiping off dust, shifting furniture, and it's been taking me a while to finish. I'm gonna attempt attacking my dvd/blu ray shelves today. At least by next week, I'll have space to dance to choreography videos again. That's my real workout but cleaning has been burning calories.
  14. Y'all had nothing but annoying sports and Fox News before Covid-19, but now that I can't eat inside and have to wait in the car for pickup, y'all motherfuckers are playing Star Wars? That is some bullshit. *Squints through the tinted window as the Death Star is about to be attacked*
  15. Editing was definitely a factor. I'm pretty sure one scene went from bright ass day to night, and I was like 'WTF?' Fixing that wouldn't have made me care about the MC, but the movie itself might have clicked more.
  16. Nightbreed - I have no idea how to rate this. It wasn't a terrible movie, it just didn't click with me. But it was interesting, and like other Clive Barker stuff, not something I should have watched before going to sleep because my dreams were filled with people being skinned alive. The biggest reason I was meh on this was because I just didn't care about the main character. He didn't really feel fleshed out while I cared more about what happened to his girlfriend. One of the interesting things was that watching this made a puzzle piece fall into place in my mind. I would bet that Bryan Fuller is a big fan of this movie because those moments of intimacy between Boone and his psychiatrist definitely feel like influences on Hannibal the show. It was like finding a blueprint but unlike Hannibal, there wasn't as strong of a cast to properly pull off that tension in Nightbreed. This did leave me more interested in reading Cabal though. Logan Lucky - 7.5 I love kooky heist movies like this. Bonus points if Daniel Craig is using a southern accent. One thing that annoyed me was Seth Macfarlane. Even though he's like in three scenes, he breaks the illusion of the movie because while the other characters are goofy but still human, he has to be a cartoon character in a ridiculous wig which screws up the whole vibe. I wish someone else had been cast for that role or at least didn't make the character so hammy. An Inspector Calls(2015) - 4.5/10 Blah. I hate these kind of storylines because they're so forced. Five people, including four who are family members, ruined the same woman's life in five separate occasions without any of them realizing they knew the same woman 🙄. I usually seek out other versions when there's a bunch and one fails for me because another cast might pull this off, but nah. The story itself is trash.
  17. Fuck that shit. Bingewatching shows/movies on streaming sites is the only reason why I'm accomplishing any work. Who knows how many people didn't get murdered during this pandemic because Netflix is keeping some people sane.
  18. I looked up one of the Anna Nicole movies on IMDB and just found out that 'breast fondling' is a tag in the parental section. Ah, memories:
  19. Dragon Con was one of the few times I could see a bunch of my friends in one place. My Facebook should be filled with my friends exchanging sewing advice or where to meet up for last minute costume adjustments in their hotel rooms right now while my procrastinaing ass would still be comparing fan tracks to see which days I wanted to go on. I miss people.
  20. I make myself feel better by buying puts against Tesla in my fake money account. It's nice knowing if I had real money, I would have timed it right and gotten a nice profit. That one put cost like 4 grand too.
  21. HBO and Cinemax played a bunch of shitty action movies back in the day, and the ones with female leads always ended up with sex/rape scenes for the dumbest reasons. Anna Nicole Smith was in a couple of them too.
  22. You need to get on Twitter more because there are a lot of dudes expressing their horniness for her on that site, and that was way before the pool pic.
  23. For years I didn't know much about her other than her being that chick on Cry Baby and in a bunch of scifi and action stuff.
  24. I finally saw the second episode, and I can't believe I never heard 'Whitey's On The Moon' before. It's so simple but that poem makes a hell of a statement. Unfortunately, due to everything being shitty, I can't handle more than an episode at a time. It annoyed me that the third episode was like seconds away, but I turned the tv off simply because my anxiety was like nope. Horror parts, bring it on! Racism parts like moving into a nice house back then as a black person that still has relevant issues like that today? *Stomach begins cramping from stress*
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