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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Why does she keep leaving me? :::
  2. Putting movies decades apart as the choices were a dead giveaway to some of the answers. The quiz wasn't even trying to be slick. There were good combinations to make too like Beloved/Eve's Bayou or Menace II Society/Juice to trip up the young'uns.
  3. 98%. I missed that friggin 1925 movie because I had never heard of it. I probably would have missed that Stormy Weather question too if Lena Horne's birthday hadn't been yesterday.
  4. I was gonna start it soon(*coughs* on a site somewhere), but it being on Netflix gives me the chance to watch it on tv guiltfree. Also, motherfucker! I forgot to check to see what was leaving Netflix this month. I usually remember to check before the first because that's when the biggest purges happen. It's been a good couple of months of pick-ups though.
  5. I hope that it's for the sake of putting out a good series to follow the other seasons. *fingers crossed*
  6. Wendys and Arbys have better chicken sandwiches than Chick Fil A anyway. We have Popeyes too, but it's a mostly white area, and evidently that means the sides(except the mashed potatoes) are always jacked up.
  7. Order of the Phoenix's length is what happens when editors are too afraid of critiquing a super famous author. It was a good book, but that sucker needed to be shortened.
  8. Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows were big enough that I would save extra days for them. Goblet of Fire is a biggun too, but I remember breezing through it in a day.
  9. I have lost all desire to watch this. I'll watch the Japanese movies if I want to scratch a live action itch.
  10. DragonSinger


    I've never read The Dome, but the show made me rage-quit. The Stand miniseries doesn't stick in my memory other than the M-O-O-N dude who was on Coach, The Shining was never my thing, I loved Silver Bullet, watching Dead Zone just makes me depressed now because I want that ending in the real world, and Kingdom Hospital was a good show because of the cast and being a decent length. I can't remember how good Needful Things was, but I think I enjoyed Storm of the Century. I'm lazy and wait for marathons to pop up on tv around Halloween or some kind of Stephen King anniversary.
  11. Wait a minute. This is from the dude who did Iron Fist. Ha ha ha, fuck that shit! Scott Buck ruins everything.
  12. I inwardly cringe every time I see that wig. It's so poofy on top, and I can't stop laughing at it. The costumes and make-up in general look cheesy as hell, and from what little plot was shown, that sounds dumb too. The acting doesn't look promising either. If ABC wasn't willing to shell out money to make a decent show, I don't see why they bothered.
  13. I never knew the band's name, but I've definitely heard the first two songs.
  14. It's not my thing, but I get more entertainment from the comments. My favorite was 'not my proudest fap'.
  15. This is how I got into it. All of my friends were hype as hell about the third book coming out, and since I had money to burn, I went out and bought the first two. Next thing I know, I'm sporting a Firebolt shirt, I became the last person you ever wanted to accept jelly beans from, and then I was at Walmart for midnight book releases because no motherfucker was gonna spoil me. I do plan on rereading the whole series and maybe rewatching a couple of movies before they reached the point of pissing me off due to all of the plot holes created from being lazy adaptations.
  16. Heh, I find it funny that Scott Peterson is now the poster boy for those sites.
  17. *Sigh* A longer discussion is gonna have to be after this week once I've gotten another story finished. I do hope the thread stays alive with productive posts.
  18. People feel more comfortable coming out queer and trying to work out what gender means to them. I don't think they should be ridiculed because earlier generations went through worse shit while trying to figure out who they are.
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