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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Dropped Blast of Tempest after episode 7 for being too much of a soap opera for my taste, and the gimmicky use of Shakespeare was annoying too. This is something that would have impressed me while I was in middle school. Moving on to Law of Ueki 1
  2. DragonSinger


    I've never seen a buffet place that served breakfast items without bottomless bacon strips.
  3. Because it's water, and that can only do so much. How are you preparing your lentil and rice meals? Here's a list of cheap stuff to make you full: juice cheese and crackers apples melons yogurt bananas/plantains(Fried plantains are good) kiwi
  4. Ice cream is why I survive the summer humidity here, so I always have some in the freezer.
  5. Do you actually know what Scoob looks like, or were you imagining him as a cartoon dog?
  6. He ain't training for the Tour de France, and I assume that we're talking about shit going down in a residential area.
  7. This. The only thing I'm losing is my breath. It's been a long time, but my legs have felt light and springy enough lately that I can probably sprint again.
  8. I was cringing at how long your thesis had to be until this post. While it still sounds hard as hell, your professor gave y'all the creative freedom sweet spot. Congratulations on getting this far in your assignment.
  9. The dog won't stop staring at us. Don't leave your toys on the table. You want some hot chocolate?
  10. This had me curious enough that I needed to find a follow up.
  11. I'll wait for you to get further along to make any episode comments, but I can say that ice skaters do get on instagram like it's shown on the show. They post clips of them training, the food they try at the different countries they visit, and sightseeing at big landmarks. This show went all out in being informative about the skating world, and it even shows in the tiniest touches. Oh, I will also comment about the OP because I remember my reaction to first seeing it. It gave me confidence that Yuri on Ice was gonna go all out, and I really did like that sort of gumption because it fits an athlete's mentality.
  12. This is very well-organized for a collector with so much stuff. It shows a lot of thought put into the things that they love.
  13. K: Return of Kings 6
  14. Wow, you don't know me very well, Mix. I wouldn't be tempted at all to use a Death Note, nor would I have pages of names already written in my head.
  15. You chose to bring it up in this thread, and my point isn't to tell you what to do but explain that people have a genuine reason to be offended. Back on topic, I'm watching K: Return of Kings 4
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