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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. *Sigh* Why do y'all keep forcing me to use self-control?
  2. The budget probably is a big issue this season, but I still wish that I could have all the nice things. The big battles, the beautiful dragons, and the story moving at a believable pace with less hand-waving. Why can't some nice billionaire make all of this happen?
  3. DragonSinger


    I've been single for way too long to be offering up any advice in this thread, but for the sake of bringing the derailed topic back on track(side-eyes Buddy and Dane)... Poof, you seem to be posting more and more about some dissatisfaction in your relationship. Do you want it to improve, or are you nearing the point where you want to move on?
  4. Dude, I don't give a shit about most of the DC animated movies and I heard about this. What rock are you living under?
  5. I always have this irrational brief fear that when I enter a church, my skin will start smoking.
  6. Yes, I can finally click on the spoilers holy shit!
  7. My love of food, tv, and writing would stay the same.
  8. DragonSinger


    I saw this for the first time maybe 2 or 3 years ago, and that movie is fucking wild!
  9. I bought two tickets. I play if the jackpot is super high because that's the only time that wasting money on the lottery feels worth it to me.
  10. I would see it in a heartbeat if it was actually a gay romance.
  11. That popped into my head too.
  12. It's fun to drink once or twice but it has a weird aftertaste to me and the carbonation wasn't that great.
  13. I'll probably change it soon.
  14. I'll start this off by saying that I'm in editing mode, so my tv brain is bitchier than usual. Why oh why is it so hard for Netflix to make another Marvel show that is equal to Daredevil S1? The fights have never been as good, the pacing in the second half is still wonky even with only eight episodes, and they keep dropping the ball when it comes to villains.
  15. I've definitely noticed the eye thing in Diamond no Ace since Miyuki became serious about Added Tsuredure Children to my watchlist, but 12 minute shows are something I have to be in the mood for. I am currently watching Youkai Apartment, and
  16. Shit, of course I start crying. Anyways, I'm doing my best to finish up some work tonight so I can watch it all tomorrow.
  17. Fuck y'all! You have no idea how hard it is to not click the spoilers!
  18. *Looks at 'dick thumb' avatar* Shut yer pie hole, fellow asshole, and accept it.
  19. R.I.P. Luuv. I have no idea how he was patient enough to deal with a group of assholes like us for so long.
  20. Twinsies! http://unevenedge.com/free-for-all/sooooooooooo/msg230636/#msg230636 I really do hope that Luuv turns out to be all right.
  21. My bedroom since I'm usually stuck in bed, and the garage for when I can enjoy being outside without sitting in direct sunlight.
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