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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. My Hero Academia 21
  2. If I'm not making a stew or something with sliced/chopped up steak, I'm willing to shell out a few bucks extra for a ribeye. I don't buy it on a weekly or monthly basis, so it doesn't hurt my food budget.
  3. I don't even buy t-bones because that's money I could have saved for a ribeye, goddammit.
  4. While I have no experience in drug dealing, I have a very strong hunch that posting this isn't the brightest idea. Especially since you voluntarily give out a lot of personal information about yourself.
  5. There are good arguments from both sides, but the cult scene still hasn't proven to be a playable route yet.
  6. Ignoring the definition bullshit, there's a funny thing that I noticed. I've been checking the gender of players tweeting about the game and it was mainly only women at first. Once the cult story was revealed, a shit load of dudes popped up saying that they want to play it now. Dating Sim gamers are also laughing in the dreamdaddy tag in a 'Oh you sweet summer child' way. Evidently, fucked up secret endings are a thing, and they keep bringing up Hatoful Boyfriend.
  7. Sleep. Nowadays, I'm too lazy to fix myself a meal past a certain time, so I'll just go to bed and eat something nice in the morning.
  8. I have editing to do, so naw to dealing with this shit right now.
  9. Robert There might be a glitch going on with Joseph's ending.
  10. From what I'm seeing, a lot of people are going down the same routes and getting the same endings. The ones who did things differently are getting the happy endings, and now people are badgering them to know what they did .
  11. Yep, and I remember Reptar bars.
  12. Jesus, that guy went on for 9 minutes before introducing anyone.
  13. He probably meant the pizza review since the timestamp on his post is only like 24 seconds after you posted the second link.
  14. People giving out 4-5 stars on something they totally dogged in their review aggravates the shit out of me. It's so pointless and makes think that person is weak as hell.
  15. It sticks in my memory for spawning one of the first scifi police procedural shows, and for Mandy Patinkin being interesting in everything that he does.
  16. It looks like a fantasy mashup of Alien Nation and The Fifth Element. I hate the new partner's voice though, and since I already brought up Alien Nation, just letting him speak like a normal person the way that film did it doesn't take away from the special effects make-up. I will watch it because I'm a tv ho when it comes to fantasy stuff.
  17. I listened to a bunch of their music during shitty times too, which is why I never felt the need to clown on them as I got older. It was the same thing with Cornell.
  18. Shokugeki no Soma 16 because I like to torture myself when I'm hungry.
  19. Black Blood Brothers 3
  20. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Oh god, you got me making this face like Mthor over here.
  21. While I do think that she's an idiot for not searching for the missing lenses, I do wonder if that eyeball/socket isn't fucked up in some type of way for them to keep sliding out of sight and her not feeling it until so many accumulated over the years. Especially since the other eye never had that problem.
  22. My mom made ribs right after I cooked myself a salmon rice bowl for dinner, so since I was too full to eat ribs last night, I ate some this morning.
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