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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. This isn't the selfie thread. It has to be a picture that isn't you.
  2. Diamond no Ace Season 2 episodes 27-30 I picked this back up because Major annoyed me so much, and it's nice to watch a stable team again.
  3. DragonSinger


    Editing. I'll be editing even when I'm dead.
  4. Major S2 episode 25
  5. She's correct about this. I stay mostly neutral.
  6. Major S1 episode 24
  7. Partially and then added a little more about KN's motives. My brain is too fried from editing to write something all that thought out.
  8. It was probably prompted by the Fuggs/Still Me drama and possibly KN hoping that ya'll will use some common sense in the future.
  9. That's fucking standard. I swear it's like some of y'all have never been on a messageboard before.
  10. I'll probably burn the calories moving a bunch of shit around tonight, but I'll be doing some dancing too.
  11. I'm having two frappuccinos and sushi. My stomach hates me.
  12. Major season 1 episode 6
  13. Major Season 1 episode 4
  14. Meijer is like a nicer Walmart, or at least the ones I've been to.
  15. Fried catfish and mac 'n cheese because it sounds so good, and I'm too weak to eat anything that heavy right now.
  16. Who asked you to speak for me? On topic, I'm saving the short to watch later when I'm not working and can just enjoy it.
  17. Innovator/Banker
  18. For being a fucked up creation by somebody who wanted the feeling of chewing on razor blades without dying. And god I hate the sound of someone eating them. *shudders*
  19. 10w or 10 1/2 w depending on how the shoe is made. I'm not answering the other questions except to say fuck kettle chips in general.
  20. DragonSinger


    Do you know what caused him to start avoiding you?
  21. That sucks. Have you contacted your dentist about it?
  22. I like both the same amount, but blue cheese dip is easier to fuck up.
  23. My body crapped out on me at DragonCon last year, but I will find you this time, Katt. :L As for scars, I've got a thyroid surgery scar across my throat. I looked like the chainsaw chick from Black Lagoon when it was first done, but it luckily faded to a very thin line that's hard for even me to see now.
  24. I hang out in writing, drawing, and anime circles, so it's easy for me to run into a lot of cool folks who don't feel the need to hate innocent people. My God, Mix! You have sex with your friends? Scandalous!
  25. No. There are billions of people out there, so it's easy to find better friends. Also, being intolerant of only one group is always a lie. There's gonna turn out to be a second, third, etc. if you stick around them long enough to find out.
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