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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger


    This video rejuvenates me.
  2. DragonSinger


    More like steamy lgbt romance since there's sexy times and a happy ending.
  3. People are fucking gross. Anyways, good luck on the hell ride.
  4. After my procedure, I was sent home with a cheap plastic one that worked very well at getting the food out.
  5. DragonSinger


    Bi actually. It's just that I didn't have anything healthy about same sex relationships in my life while growing up, so I've kinda obsessively been writing it so other people get to have that.
  6. I'm nice to people who aren't douchebags.
  7. DragonSinger


    Pretty much made up worlds and gay sex.
  8. Salivating over my check that doesn't come until the 31st, staring at food that I can't buy until the 31st, and hopefully finishing my late ass edits which are the reason why I won't have money until the 31st.
  9. I would have already finished my long ass list of revisions. *Sigh*
  10. Nope. My nose is too sensitive to perfume. I have thought about trying out some fragrance oils.
  11. All four out at once can end up sucking so much. Like Molar's brother, I ended up with chipmunk face. *Remembers my dad pointing at me and shouting, "Allllviiiiin!"
  12. Oh and about Steve vs. Jefferson, I think it took a while for the latter to grow on me, but Steve definitely had his moments.
  13. I was so annoyed when it was announced that a possible spinoff about Bud was in the works because he was a boring creeper. Kelly always had interesting backstory to her character, and Applegate has had a way better career.
  14. I'll go out of my way to see a lunar one because the color difference is more impressive, but solar eclipses always bored me.
  15. Readers aren't fond of characters that stupid getting a lot of page time, so I tend to make people like them low level background characters with one or two lines or a quick unmemorable death.
  16. I must have missed hearing about it due to watching news about more discrimination to our soldiers for being trans thanks to the guy you voted into office. Is this the hot topic in Bubble World where you get to ignore the problems that you cause?
  17. Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys 5 You got me curious, so I'm watching it. It's really cute and a nice palate cleanser after that Rokka mess.
  18. I remember being envious whenever I saw one as a kid and thinking, "Holy shit, that person must be so rich!"
  19. Rokka - Braves of the Six Flowers 12
  20. Rokka - Braves of the Six Flowers 10
  21. A romance about two shifters who both have jobs that require them to surveil people at night.
  22. These are file names for unpublished stories that will probably be renamed later: Angry Sex 1 Angry Sex 2 Just the Tip God My Brain is Fucked Up Voyeurs
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