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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I never find nice stuff like that in record stores.
  2. I wouldn't go that far, but it's something with parts that definitely didn't age well.
  3. That's how you get stabbed.
  4. Did you drive home in that shit at night?
  5. A bunch of cartoons I watched as a kid like Max Steel, The Magician, Sky Dancers, and Princess Tenko. As for live action: Prey(the show with Debra Messing), Masterminds(high school Die Hard), The Others(show), Big Wolf on Campus, First Wave, VR.5, and Roc. All of the other weird shit I like is out on dvd, thankfully.
  6. DragonSinger


    Polanski and Woody Allen have so much male white privilege that it kind of infuriates me. While Polanski does have actual talent(yes, I've seen some of his movies before I got bored with the blizzard flicks((movies with barely any speaking lines for minorities)) in my early twenties), what protects him is that he doesn't have an obvious predatory self-insert character. In Allen's case it's the opposite, his predatory self-insert characters appeal to nearly every mediocre white dude out there.
  7. DragonSinger


    *Shrugs* I'm harder on the stuff I care about, and I support the people who try to make it a healthier environment.
  8. DragonSinger


    I don't. News stories about Salva make their rounds during the time his movies were in theaters(not helped by the fact that he'll try to hire on underage actors without disclosing his past), which is how I found out right after seeing Jeepers Creepers 2. I needed a mind scrubber afterwards because even before seeing the articles, I felt uncomfortable after watching the movie, and it wasn't because of anything related to being scary.
  9. DragonSinger


    That's probably because when he had easy access to his victim on set in his earlier movies, he didn't have any repressed fucked up energy to put in his work. Also Hollywood is the fucking worst.
  10. DragonSinger


    The director, Victor Salva, is a convicted child molester, and he's about as obvious about putting his kinks into movies as Quentin Tarantino is.
  11. DragonSinger


    Ugghhh, that movie is so tainted for me.
  12. Georgia has all of that and great Asian food, so
  13. Happy Birthday and I'm stealing those boots in the second pic. *runs*
  14. I'm curious as heck, and if I can control myself, you can do it too.
  15. Everything's closed so it's pretty much like Sunday here.
  16. Yep. Fuck me and my 'Where are they now?' curiosity I felt the need to satisfy some years ago.
  17. I plan on reading the book, but the trailers are doing a bad job of saying what the actual movie is about or showing something that gives the viewers an emotional attachment to the main character.
  18. I thought TFA was all right but definitely preferred Rogue One because that movie was a really good compliment to the original Star Wars movies.
  19. 3-gatsu no Lion season 2 is the one I'm looking forward to the most, I'll eventually get caught up on Gintama, Kekkai Sensen & Beyond is another one I'm happy to get a second season of, and I'm curious about Two Car.
  20. Dammit, why aren't there more Roc clips online? I know I saw a video once of that episode where a burglar walked into the main character's house, shook his head in disgust at their worthless crap, and then walked right back outside.
  21. DragonSinger


    Since I don't have a regular day job, I keep track of days by hanging up fantasy calendars and putting stickers on them to symbolize the activities I've done that day so that months aren't a blur. It also lets me keep track of moods/habits that contribute to me getting more or less work done.
  22. I love foods with a combination of textures like chocolate with cookies, toffee, or crisped rice. Fried catfish with a cornmeal breading, Moosetracks ice cream because of the fudge swirls and peanut butter cups, and Asian noodle dishes whether it's stir-fried or broth based with a lot of add-ins.
  23. *Wipes tear from eye* For your parents? Man, that's so sweet.
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