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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. No because I eat spicy foods slowly to better enjoy the tingling in my mouth. I'd laugh at you, but mocking someone for choking while I'm eating right now is just asking for bad luck.
  2. This would be an entertaining spectacle for me if I had any interest in either fighter winning.
  3. I'm annoyed at myself because I keep forgetting to show this to my mom. She's like a walking TMZ, especially when it comes to famous hoes, and this would almost make her pee laughing. Parts of Stinkmeaner episodes are hit or miss for me. Ed/Rummy never failed to entertain me in every scene that they're in mostly because of their actors and how fucking stupid they could be. *Sigh* I actually forgot that Charlie Murphy was dead until I wrote this.
  4. Crispy bacon is fucking delicious, you weirdos!
  5. Buddy...Buddy. Don't come between me and caffeine. There will be consequences.
  6. The OA discussion threads. It was nice to bump older threads when I caught up on another show. Having a working search function was also nice.
  7. I had KFC's crispy Nashville hot tenders and mashed potatoes, so I'm too full to get hungry again. The steaks are pretty though.
  8. DAMN RIGHT! He's gonna watch us order our sugar bombs and like it! *Clinks Grande Caramel Cocoa Cluster frappuccino against your machiatto in solidarity*
  9. DragonSinger


    *Strokes chin* Hmmm, yes, I see. Well, it doesn't look terrible, but in my unprofessional opinion, you need...an enema.
  10. My S6 Active is still going strong, so I don't see myself getting an upgrade any time soon.
  11. I was so disappointed with the first season, but I started the second one today. I'm on episode 4, and boy has the writing and pacing gotten a hell of a lot more solid.
  12. Fixed it for ya.
  13. I called MD a cunt like last week.
  14. Shut the fuck up.
  15. I actually got back into drawing/writing when my family was too poor to afford cable, and I needed to distract myself from the nerd despair of missing Toonami airing a new season of Sailor Moon. The bi thing became more obvious to me because of Xena.
  16. Sailor Moon. It literally came on when I got home, so I did most of my homework in class and on the bus because my parents were strict about no tv before homework.
  17. I totally forgot about that.
  18. I remember him from this and My Favorite Year.
  19. That's because she's consistently gotten work in movies and television.
  20. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FeJEk-syw3I/UCYeq6DB0iI/AAAAAAAALOU/hX1guqQLOYo/s1600/Howl%27s+Moving+Castle+by+Moondrophime.jpg[/img]
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