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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Someone clearly forgot to sign Sherry's birthday card. lol
  2. "I wonder if there's beer on the sun."
  3. A friend of mine I've known since high school posted this on Facebook:
  4. Have you ever said "He thinks I'm a palette!" while barely getting out of the way of a forklift? lol
  5. I'll say it again: TNA is better than WWE. Hell, at this point, AEW is better than WWE.
  6. This is the song written for the train chase. This is the chase, Rocky and Ken! He tried to kill me with a forklift… Olé! Somewhat related:
  7. Dude, I'm South Park Cows. lol Wait. You meant something else. Nevermind. lol
  8. Ya gotta get that sweet drip, yo! Let them girlz know you got all that rizz! What the hell did I just say? lol
  9. I think it's a great game, personally. I think you'd enjoy it. It's free for the PS4, PS5, and Windows, if I'm not mistaken. (Be prepared to make in-game purchases, however, even though I haven't had to do any of that...yet.) (Also, my current avatar is of one of the main playable characters from the game.) Also, Stoned, HoYoVerse announced in-game that their servers were going to be down for about five hours yesterday and I saw it so I got in a few commissioned quests and claimed my rewards before closing it out and switching to Madden. It's not that big a deal, homie.
  10. I was rooting for a Detroit-KC Super Bowl, to be honest. I still think the Chiefs would've won that matchup, but the storylines we would've gotten would've been huge! (Mom's Spaghetti vs. KC Barbecue, Eminem vs. Taylor Swift, etc., etc., etc.)
  11. This is still somewhat surprising because i wouldn't have pegged you as a Lions fan if you hadn't said anything earlier in the season.
  12. Just thought I’d post a selfie before going to bed. I would smile, but I’m exhausted from doing a lot of stuff for my basketball sim league.
  13. Vince McMahon does kind of look like Raul Julia when he played Gomez Addams in the Addams Family movies in the early '90s. lol
  14. All I know is the team in red is gonna win. lol (I know, I know. I'm going. No need to boo me.)
  15. I'm sorry I'm a couple days late. Still, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite Jets fan!
  16. See, I like Jade Cargill, too, but she needs some time to establish herself in WWE. So I'm perfectly okay with Bayley winning the Women's Royal Rumble match. She's been on the back burner long enough.
  17. Thank God TNA iMPACT! has FINALLY instituted Picture-in-Picture when they go to commercial. It's been a long time coming.
  18. TNA iMPACT! is better than WWE. I wouldn't have said that in 2011.
  19. Not a bad list. I have my own. (Some we agree on; some you've left off.) 1. Sting's "Scorpion Death Lock" - Always been a huge fan of submission finishers. This is my favorite. (Some know it as "the Sharpshooter" when Bret Hart popularized it when he started wrestling solo in the WWE during the mid-90s.) 2. Stone Cold Steve Austin's "Stone Cold Stunner" - Probably the best non-submission finisher I've ever seen. It's a variant of a neckbreaker and/or cutter. (Take your pick. lol) SCSA adds a kick to it to lower his opponent's head and he grabs it as he turns around and falls on his butt. 3. The Undertaker's "Tombstone Piledriver" - It's just a cool move. (Not a fan of having your nose by your opponent's butt. I mean what if they let out a massive fart just before you drop to your knees?) 4. Ric Flair's "Figure 4 Leg Lock" - Classic submission finisher that can only be done right by the Nature Boy himself. (Oh, and his daughter Charlotte Flair.) 5. Jake "The Snake" Roberts' "DDT" - Easily one of the greatest finishers I've ever seen. The first time I saw this, I was either six or seven years old. Many have performed this move, but The Snake is the only one that has perfected it. 6. CM Punk's "Anaconda Vise" - Hey, it's a chokehold submission finisher! I've had this as a finisher on several WWE games because it's one of the few chokeholds that's legal. Not only that, but you get to look like a madman while applying it! lol 7. Triple H's "Pedigree" - Needless to say, when Hunter Hearst Helmsley kicked you in the gut, pulled your head between his legs, and hooked both of your arms before dropping down to send you face first into the canvas, you knew the end was nigh. 8. Macho Man Randy Savage's "Flying Elbow" - We don't always think of the late, great Randy Savage as a high-flyer, but his finisher had him leaping from the top rope (well, turnbuckle since it was at a corner, really) only to crash down with his elbow on his opponent's heart in the middle of the ring for that 3-count. One of the few moves I could do as a kid and actually get away with. lol 9. CM Punk's "GTS (Go To Sleep)" - This probably should've been a top-five finisher, but it works best when your opponent isn't tall like Kane or the Undertaker. lol Still, it's a hell of a move. You get put in a Fireman's Carry and eventually get dropped onto (most llikely) Punk's left knee. A visually great move when done right. 10. Chokeslam (by either Paul Wight, formerly known as the Big Show, Kane, or the Undertaker) - I thought about having this higher, but when there's so many great ones to choose from, this had to be moved down to 10. Still, I couldn't leave it out of my Top 10 mainly because of how high you can get lifted up off the canvas. (Yes, I know the guy getting chokeslammed helps by jumping at the same time the dude on offense moves his arm up to chokeslam him, but still...) It's simple. Guy grabs you by the throat (usually with his right hand), moves your right arm over, and lifts you high in the air only for you to come crashing down onto the canvas. Visually, it's a phenomenal move when performed right. Plus, the harder-looking the landing, the better. Honorable mention: DDP's Diamond Cutter, Davey Boy Smith's Running Powerslam, Kevin Nash's Jackknife Powerbomb, Brock Lesnar's F5, HBK's Superkick (later dubbed Sweet Chin Music), Edge's Spear, and Sid Vicious' Powerbomb.
  20. There are some valid points raised by this clip, but Tarantino fails to mention that Kal-El (Superman) was raised as Clark Kent. Hell, he even refers to himself as Clark Kent, the name given to him by his Earth parents, not Kal-El, his birth name. "Superman" is just a name given to him by the Daily Planet and therefore all of humanity.
  21. Speak for yourself. I feel like I'm in my prime.
  22. I think it's safe to say that "modern" country music is abhorrent.
  23. Yes, it really was. She wasn't posting much before she passed, but there was comfort knowing she was but a click away. Now, things just aren't the same. Also, I'm so terribly sorry you lost your mother. I know what it's like losing a parent. It's soulcrushing. I lost my dad in April 2017, and even though the passage of time has eased the pain in some ways, it still hurts tremendously. If you want to talk about it, my PM's are always open. Finally, I'm officially divorced. (It was finalized the last Friday of October last year.) The lesson I've learned is this: Toxic people truly do suck ass.
  24. I disagree, but I understand nonetheless. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM!
  25. Day 22: Still going strong, but I haven't made my daily smoothie yet. I will soon.
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