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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Sorce: Mistress of Bluthposting. lol (I'm sorry. I had to do it.) On topic: I need to quit drinking Dr Pepper and stick with coffee and sweet tea. Also, brain, please turn off when I tell you to.
  2. Coming straight to DVD: The true story of a pro football team entering the season with lofty expectations only for them to come crashing down to Earth minutes later. Hell Mary: the 2023 New York Jets. (Rated R for AAAAAARRRRRRRGH!)
  3. But I haven't even eaten anything yet. (Because I just got here.)
  4. I hear ya. Then again, now that I think about it, I can see the logic behind it. Still, they need to at least bring a change of shoes so they're not in high heels the whole darn time.
  5. I'm glad you mentioned that. I've always thought that women getting dolled up and being at a sporting event just to go to the club later was rather silly. I guess bringing a change of clothes is too much to ask? *shrugs* What say you, pooh?
  6. This as well. And furthermore, I wanted to point out that I absolutely hate it when someone who's supposed to be a writer decides to use AI (like ChatGPT) to write poetry, prose, or TV/movie scripts (which was a main point of contention for the SAG-AFTRA and WAG respective strikes) and tries to pass it off as their own. As someone who considers himself a writer, I would never, ever use AI tech to write something. I either finish what I've started writing or I put it to the side only to approach it later with fresh eyes. Case in point: You can say whatever you want about me, but at least include that I have artistic integrity when doing so.
  7. I'm using it in a sarcastic manner, which I'm allowed to do.
  8. I'm offering you a spot on the Texans' bandwagon.
  9. I couldn't agree with you more.
  10. I'm reporting it. Homedude stole my card. That's still a crime.
  11. *does "brush shoulder off" dance* You know, there's room on the bandwagon. lol (I'm sorry. I had to do it. lol)
  12. Probably not. But if you want to make that crystal clear, don't start off your post with "Look,... blah blah blah" because it gives off that kind of vibe. @matrixman124, I'm sorry for misreading your intentions in your reply to me.
  13. Redacted. Nevermind, y'all.
  14. Well, look here, bucko. I agree with what you just said, and I actually supported SAG-AFTRA and WAG in their strike. I was just pointing out one instance where AI was used for good. It didn't "create" anything; all it did was separate someone's voice from instrumentation on a poor quality demo because that's what it was designed to do. If you want to get mad at anybody, get mad at those who abuse AI tech, not at me for pointing out the one good thing that came from a piece of AI tech. And by the way, the whole song was made the right way; it just needed the technology to separate John Lennon's vocal from his piano and be made crisp and clear, which is what happened. So again, your anger at me is misdirected because again, I agree with you. But hey, you do you and I'll do me. I'm not going to debate this any longer. Edit: I agree that it's largely not being used as a tool. Peter Jackson, on the other hand, created his AI tech to specifically be used as a tool for good, and it gave us the final song from undoubtedly the most influencial musical act in history. That was my point, and I thought you were debating that. Sorry for misreading your intentions.
  15. I have to chime in here. I agree that most AI is bad. But I have to bring something up. Remember all the hoopla surrounding the last ever Beatles song because the media said the surviving members were going to use AI to complete it and all the surviving members did was use AI software created by Peter Jackson that successfully separated John Lennon's vocals from the crude demo he made? I remember, too. In fact, the Beatles (well, everyone involved who's still alive) even made a making of documentary explaining the process. This example shows the positive impact AI can have provided we don't abuse it. (Kind of how the potential of the internet was, especially at the turn of the millennium.)
  16. Nice! Also, it looks like you take ideas for knt hats, right? Can you make a TARDIS hat? That is, if you haven't made one already. (I'll post pics later. Just remind me. Thanks.)
  17. Speaking of the league chat, it's not showing up for me. CountFrylock and I were trash-talking each other before my computer (well, the one I use for Fantasy Football, anyway) started acting up. Any interesting smack talk happening?
  18. I'll be rooting for y'all to make the playoffs. (Just don't get in at our expense, please? lol)
  19. Hey, I hear ya. I didn't think we'd be in this position at all when the season started. Plus, we just equalled our win total over the past two seasons combined today, and we still have seven games to go. *mind blown*
  20. Also, my Texans have now won three straight. The defense won the game for us. C.J. Stroud didn't have a good day, throwing three interceptions. (Though one of them was definitely not his fault.) Still, 6-4 and a game back of Jacksonville heading into next week for a showdown against the Jaguars? I'm all for it!
  21. Well-said, my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. I'm reminded of a professor I had in film school. He would buy Pop Tarts and eat them daily, almost for every "meal" of sorts? I mean he would eat other stuff, but that was his go-to snack. Can't say I blame him because they're gooooood. Plus, there's something rather...nostalgic about them.
  23. Ooh! That sounds good.
  24. Try having to eat that as a side dish at every Thanksgiving and Christmas for over thirty years. lol (The first one; not the second one.) And it's okay. No problem whatsoever.
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