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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Have I mentioned that C.J. Stroud is the real deal? Well, in case I haven't, C.J. Stroud is the real deal! DID YOU SEE THAT PASS TO NICO COLLINS? WOW!
  2. I didn't post it on here, but I had made the resolution to eat healthier. Day 6: I'm in my third day of making smoothies. I'm about to start incorporating cucumbers, spinach, and possibly even carrots into my blends. I also prefer to use frozen fruit because while I'm sure my blender can handle blending ice, I'd rather not take that chance until I'm ready.
  3. So pretty much check back in mid-September then? Will do.
  4. Yep, and for once, I'm not going to care either way.
  5. Happy Birthday, dude!
  6. I thought Tyler Perry was good in a supporting role in the first Abramsverse Star Trek movie. Granted, it wasn't a big supporting role, but it was an important one in the context of the movie. As much as I hate to say it, it could come down to writing as well. You could take Daniel Day-Lewis or Idris Elba and cast them in a shot-for-shot remake of Plan 9 From Outer Space using Ed Wood's original script. No matter how talented you may be as an actor, you can only do so much if the script you're working with is absolute shit.
  7. I should've asked y'all if any of you wanted to have an 8 or 12-team UEMB fantasy hoops league. I'm in a random public league on Yahoo! and I'm currently kicking ass!
  8. Dalvin Cook is expected to clear waivers at any minute now. According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, he'll be clear to sign with anybody, and it's looking like he'll sign with a playoff contender. Edit: Dalvin Cook has offiicially cleared waivers and is now a free agent. He is free to sign anywhere he chooses. What say you, @1pooh4u?
  9. Yeah, I think some NFL teams are a little too reliant on certain offensive players in games, which in turn affects certain other offensive players on those same particular teams in terms of fantasy scoring. Heck, I really thought Justin Jefferson was gonna get you at least 10 fantasy points in our matchup, which possibly could've put you over the top and into the league championship game. Instead, I'm the sacrificial lamb to Vicodin's team. Yay? lol Seriously, though, great game, man. It's always fun playing with someone with a fantasy football philosophy similar to one's own. (Quite a few players from your favorite NFL team, a backup kicker, and a backup defense.)
  10. Some people just love drama, no matter how insignificant it may seem in the grand scheme of things. (Not pointing fingers. lol)
  11. Happy New Year! (I didn't see this thread before I made mine. Sorry.)
  12. I thought I'd wish y'all a Happy New Year! Oh, and @Vela called me and said she wishes y'all a Happy New Year as well! She would've said so herself, but she's been sick lately. I hope and pray she gets well soon. I hate not seeing my board bestie on here.
  13. How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie center of a Tootsie Pop?
  14. I expect it to be called Bad Blood Part II (Taylor's Version) or some shit like that. lol
  15. My question, @scoobdog, is this: Who gets whom next week? I'd like to prepare accordingly.
  16. Man, Futurama is really going all out this year, huh?
  17. Ah, yes. Twin Peaks. Good show, man. Good show.
  18. Yeah, I saw that. Holy crap, indeed!
  19. But I beat you in our rematch, @Satou Kazuma! lol Also, hey, folks! The regular season is over and now, it's time for the playoffs! @VicodinEs and I have first round byes, whereas @Satou Kazuma, @sahockeygrl15, @CountFrylock, and @scoobdog are playing each other this week. The quarterfinal matchups are as follows: @Satou Kazuma vs. @sahockeygrl15 and @CountFrylock vs. @scoobdog. There's also a consolation bracket. It's a little more complicated because I only know of @1pooh4u owning two teams, and they're mentioned in the teams' respective names. I don't remember who the others are, but I think Luis's World Class Team is @Distortedreasoning? (I'm probably wrong here, but eh.) Anyway, here's the postseason bracket! Good luck, everybody!
  20. Oh, I completely agree with you. Bud Adams was a certified asshole, and his daughter is the same way.
  21. Actually, the Tennessee Titans became the Tennessee Titans in 1999. They first moved to Tennessee in time for the 1997 season and actually played as the Tennessee Oilers during the two seasons before the rebrand.
  22. And we beat the Tennessee Traitors with a game-winning field goal as time expired in overtime. That's what you get for wearing those Houston Oilers throwbacks.
  23. We got away with one. That should've been a late hit penalty on us. Oh, well. *shrugs*
  24. Not our fault she was stubborn as hell. Some of us even tried to point out where she was going wrong on whatever issue she was posting about and she would double down on her shit.
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