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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. got that tetrafecta with this post...but i'm gonna let it expire without screenshot. i am a gracious god.
  2. as long as i manage to keep the cat piss smell in check, i feel like i'm winning the war. i don't mind a little disorder, as long as it's a clean mess.
  3. i feel like i'm supposed to tell you to chew before you swallow, but then the innuendo kicks in and the thought of getting my dick chewed on...fuck.
  4. organ meat raw shellfish there's a golden corral in the next town over. never been to one, and someone was just telling the wife over the weekend to avoid it because it's gone downhill. i can't imagine it's any worse than ponderosa.
  5. eh, whatever. between my day job and the bar, we bring home plenty to cover our expenses, and still have enough left over for burning on non-essentials. no bridge-bottom-blowies required to pay the utility bills over here.
  6. right? that playstation stuff costs $80 a month. on top of like $12 for netflix and however much for hulu. i talked her into canceling her spotify premium, but she followed it up with xm radio. meh, she's paying for it herself, so whatever.
  7. i don't even really want prime tv, but it's just a part of the package when you want the shipping. wife has had netflix since it was disc only, and she added hulu like 5 years ago for some reason. then she got the ps vue because she missed live tv. and then she upgraded it to the SUPERMAXX package with all the premiums because pirating game of thrones wasn't cutting it with her. and she won't cancel any of them because ... i dunno why. i guess i also pay for the amazon unlimited music thing because it's handy when i'm "deejaying" at the bar. but that's pretty much a business expense.
  8. i have amazon prime. wife decided it was worth it to pay for netflix, hulu, and ps vue. i dunno.
  9. you should really just toss the whole thing in the trash and get a new one.
  10. obvious comparisons to beavis in 3... 2...
  11. metropolis, il is pretty close by...
  12. it was more of a ball when it first showed up
  13. so this thing has been moving south, starting above eastern illinois 7 hours ago. radar has been tracking it. it's still going. it's over kentucky now. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/paducah-ky/weather-radar-r1h?play=1 three possibilities right now: aliens, birds, or radar chaff from military exercises. pretty sure it's aliens though.
  14. i assume you'll be on the downhill side of a 3-year sentence for exposing yourself at a h.s. volleyball game
  15. ...fresh ...meat?
  16. it's an active dislike
  17. i was turning these little fellers out pretty hard for the bar xmas party last night. stopped long enough to take a quick pic early in the aftrnoon. it's basically a frozen pina colada, with blue curacao to give it a wintry look. rimmed with coconut flakes. also, got damn this phone takes nice pics.
  18. damage has already been done, etc. carry on, i'm out.
  19. not fast enough tho
  20. mine took a small hit when i had an ID theft issue arise in september, but i squashed it pretty heavily and the score has mostly recovered. i know credit karma isn't an actual score, but since i pulled reports in september from all the bureaus i can't do it again without paying or dinging it again, so i'm running off what ck has it pegged at. and i damn near got your rich brother beat.
  21. shockerz 4 lyfe
  22. it happened.
  23. bang bang bitches
  24. i think the key is to give him all your time. like, all of it. no time for pesky things like twitter or message boards. it's all devoted to him. now go and hook you a winner.
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