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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. asshole snowrain. slippery shit. i even wore my fancy traction shoes for winter getaround, and i still bit it when i got out of the truck at work this morning. twisted my ankle and pulled something in my shoulder. feeling (more) old and broken now. god damnit.
  3. so you'll inherit the business, and all the debt that comes along with it? this is a better option.
  4. what, in 40 years when he dies and leaves the estate in a pile of debt and shame?
  5. i grew up in jo daviess and a lot of my family still lives there. they could probably do fine by no more snow this winter.
  6. And one service is now saying we could get up to 12" down here. That should make someone's day.
  7. that's my feeling on it as well. the models have it pretty well pegged at this point. only factor is a shifty path that may or may not (probably not) happen. we're on the hook for around 3" but that could go down if the track moves north. at any rate, meteorological winter isn't over for another week. but my body is ready right now.
  8. if anyone knows how to handle snow, it's a temperate-climate airport. they may very well continue to operate just fine. the three big models aren't 100% in agreement on path, so it's possible the nasty pushes north or dies off before getting there. but i'll be damned if i'm putting myself in a position to be stranded in o'hare overnight at any time of the year.
  9. it's not just about actively falling snow. drifting conditions afterwards can be equally bad. if it's cold and windy enough (and it's supposed to be low of 16* with "blustery" winds) then the drifting could also impact air travel into thursday. not a risk i'd be willing to take.
  10. receipts, man. where's the receipts.
  11. Psst. He didn't actually donate any $ to the board.
  12. Was on vacation from work, so I took a vacation to a beach 900 miles south of here.
  13. My money says Gemini.
  14. i used one yesterday at the oral surgeon. they also got three benjis. to pull out one damn tooth.
  15. love how shit always pops up a week before you're supposed to be leaving on vacation. i spent $500 on some emergency dental work for the wife, and now her car needs work that could run anywhere from a couple hundred, up to god knows how much. and i can't get the car in til late next week, because i had to cancel two different appointments this week because wife was getting emergency dental work done. and we're supposed to be taking her car on vacation. oh, and we'll have to re-work the vacation budget if the car costs too much to fix. 😡 i just want to go sit on the beach for a few days in peace. that's all i want. is that too much to ask?
  16. god damn bathroom sink is gurgling as the washer drains. clay pipes full of roots again, i'd bet my third nut. old houses are so ... neat.
  17. i was expecting to feel like shit today after last night. but i ended up drinking only low-calorie ipa's all night and didn't over-eat...somehow. felt fine today. what a wiener.
  18. kielbasa medallions in sauerkraut. or canadian bacon pizza with sauerkraut on top. so many things go surprisingly well with fermented cabbage.
  19. you can't say that phrase this weekend unless you pay the nfl ten bucks.
  20. water is usually around $25/mo. sewer is included in that. i worked for the trash company for a bit, migrating their paper records to QB and training the office staff how to use computers. they haven't sent me a trash bill since.
  21. sewer lines have meters too? i've never encountered that.
  22. nice work OP. i never thought i'd be able to quit until one day when it just felt like i was done with it. been almost 2 years now, not even a puff. you can do eet!
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